
Monday, July 23, 2012

Trivia and Facts-Part 18

1-Before Bulgaria’s World Cup qualifier on November 17, 1993 vs. France in Paris, Bulgarian superstar Hristo Stoichkov had declared that if Bulgaria wins he would walk back to Bulgaria.
After the dramatic last minute win and celebrations, he was asked about it by reporters.
He replied that he had “walked around Paris all night, now let me take a plane.”

Photo From: France Football, Issue 2566, June 13, 1995
(Hristo Stoichkov celebrating Bulgaria’s win over Germany, June 7, 1995, European Championship Qualifier, Bulgaria 3-Germany 2)

2- Wim Van Hanegem quit the Dutch national team the night before they left for Argentina (1978 World Cup) because Ruud Krol and Arie Haan refused to pool the income generated from advertisement.
"Everyone from one to twenty-two is important. Everyone should get the same, including the man who cleans the boots because if he's not there, I must clean my boots."
He later regretted his decision.

Photo From: Het Nederlands Elftal, De Histoire van Oranje, 1905-1989
(Wim van Hanegem, February 22, 1978, Israel 1-Holland 2)

3- Serbian Manager Radomir Antic has managed Spain’s big three clubs: Barcelona, Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid.
He led Atletico Madrid to the double in 1996. As Real Madrid manager he was fired midway through the 1991/92 season even though Real were league leaders at the time. Club President Ramon Mendoza apparently did not feel Antic was the ideal manager to lead Real to European glory.

4- On February 27, 1977, Argentina defeated Hungary 5-0 in a friendly.
Darío Luis Felman came on as a substitute for Argentina and played the last 9 minutes.
When later he joined Spanish club Valencia, he did not reveal this, so that he could be eligible as a naturalized Spaniard.
In ealy 1980, Valencia learned of this and dismissed him for providing misleading information.
By the way, Diego Maradona also made his national team debut as a substitute in this match.

Photo : from Mondial, June 1977
(Argentina squad for the match vs. Hungary in 1977, Felman and Maradona made their debuts as substiututes)

5- There are no photographs for the World’s first ever official international in 1872 between England and Scotland. Although a photographer was hired to take pictures, he left because the players did not guarantee that they would buy the photos.
The following year, the composite team photo was not printed because many of the England players were making funny faces.

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