
Sunday, September 18, 2016

Politics and The Game, Part Six

1- Argentina President Carlos Menem and 1990 World Cup
Edgardo Codesal was the Uruguay-born Mexican Referee of the 1990 World Cup Final (July 8, 1990, West Germany 1-Argentina 0).
Many Argentines criticized his handling of the Final where he sent off two Argentinean players, yellow carded Maradona as well as awarding West Germany’s winning kick.
Even after the Final whistle, Codesal had to be protected by officials from the angry Argentina players.
Argentina President Carlos Menem also got into the mix and labeled the Referee as a cheat.
Menem further stated that Codesal (who was a Gynecologist by trade) should concentrate on medicine and not carry on causing damage to soccer.

Photo From: Soccer International, Issue 9, October 1990
(Mexican Referee Edgardo Codesal Mendez being surrounded by Argentinean players, July 8, 1990, World cup, West Germany 1-Argentina 0)

Photo From: World Soccer, May 1992
(Diego Maradona with Argentina President Carlos Menem)

2- Yugoslavia Civila War, 1991
The Yugoslavian Civil War in the summer of 1991 affected Soccer in Australia.
August 30, 1991, Victoria State Federation decided that the match between Australian First division Clubs: Westgate of Melbourne and North Greelong on September 4th, 1991 should be played behind closed doors.
The reason was that Westgate is the club of Ethnic Serbs in Australia and North Greelong is that of the Ethnic Croatians.

3- Karl Rappan and Nazi Authorities, 1940s
In 1942 Switzerland were to play Germany in the (then annexed) Vienna.
Switzerland’s Swiss Manager Karl Rappan had to present himself to the German consulate in Zurich, for a medical exam to be mobilized.
Initially, since he had problems with his lungs, he was to be incorporated into an office role.
The Swiss Federation President Robert Zumbuhl interved for Rappan to remain in Switzerland by using his influende with the German Ambassdaor.

4- The Austria National Team and the Anschlus 1938
This Political Cartoon shows the Austrian players fleeing from Adolf Hitler.
The Austrian National Team players were to be incorporated into the new German National Team.

Photo From: Football Football Magazine, Issue 20, September 1961
(Austrian players fleeing from Hitler after the Anschlus in 1938)

5- Dino Zoff and Silvio Berlusconi, 2000
After the 2000 UEFA European Championships Final (July 2, France 2-Italy 1), AC Milan President and Politician (he was the Opposition Leader at the time) Silvio Berlusconi criticized the National Team Manager Dino Zoff for not man-marking France’s Zinedine Zidane.
Due to this attack, Zoff resigned from the National Team on July 4th, 2000.
There was an outcry for Berlusconi’s comments that many felt went too far.

Berlusconi stood by his comments and said that he had been criticizing the tactics  not referring to Zoff personally. 'I have no apologies to make to anyone,' he said. 

Photo From: Calcio 2000, Issue 33, August 2000
(Dino Zoff and Silvio Berlusconi headlines)

1 comment:

  1. North Greelong should be North Geelong:
