
Friday, January 14, 2022

The Soccernostalgia Interview-Part 10 Interview with Italian Football Social Media Manager Mr. Michelangelo Deodato on Juventus in the Cup Winners Cup, 1983 /84 Season)

 For this interview, I start a new project as I look back at past performances of Italian clubs in the European Cups.

This will be a semi-regular and continuous series.

The Interviewee is:

Michelangelo Deodato, an Italian Football Social Manager living in Vienna, Austria


Administraor of Facebook pages: 

Paolo Rossi-Italian Football Hero:

World Cup Stories;






Soccernostalgia Question: When Juventus started the 1983/84 season, they had been defeated in the previous season’s Champions Cup Final vs. SV Hamburg and finished second in the Serie A behind AS Roma. What were the expectations going into the Cup Winners Cup?

Mr. Deodato Response: The expectations were high. First of all because all important players remained in Turin. And then because the feeling about Athens was that Juventus missed the great opportunity to win their first European Cup. The dream had been quickly destroyed by the shot made by Magath and for the rest of the game it was clear: Juventus is not the usual Juventus. Because of this, even though Athens had been a bad moment for Juventus fans, there was a renewed trust on Juventus, hoping to see them taking a revenge somehow in Europe.

Soccernostalgia Question: The major transfers in the off-season had been the arrivals of Goalkeeper Stefano Tacconi (from Avellino), Nicola Caricola (from Bari) in defense, Roberto Tavola (from Lazio, back from loan) and Beniamino Vignola (from Avellino) in midfield and Domenico Penzo (from Verona) upfront. The departures included the retirement of Dino Zoff and the loss of Roberto Bettega to the NASL. In hindsight were any of the arrival critical in the European matches that season (besides Vignola that is)?


Mr. Deodato Response: The arrival of Stefano Tacconi was important but could still caused some uncertainties. The question in those days was: how can Juventus ever succeed in substituting the legendary Dino Zoff? It seemed impossible. For months Juventus had contacted the best young goalkeepers and the one who was very close to join Juventus was Ascoli goalkeeper Fabio Brini. He stopped penalty kicks against the best teams and many journalists and experts saw him as the "new Zoff". As Juventus contacted Ascoli, Ascoli president Costantino Rozzi asked for a high amount as he also considered Brini the new Zoff. So Juventus opted for Tacconi instead who also had played a good season. At the end, Brini moved to Udinese and played with Zico while Tacconi became the new Juventus goalkeeper for years winning everything possible. Pity that he never had space with the National team and pity also that Brini has not had the chance to join Juventus. Udinese was a wonderful team with Zico but Juventus played for years at the top level and competitions. Caricola was a good choice, Tavola did not have lot of space while Penzo was expected to be the new unstoppable scorer because of his stats and performances with Verona. He had a great start with 4 goals in a match with Lechia but the problem was that Juventus had Rossi, Platini and Boniek upfront. With Vignola there was more balance and fantasy.


Soccernostalgia Question: The first round turned out to be very easy with Juventus comfortable winners over Polish side Lechia Gdansk? The main talking point was Boniek playing against his compatriots. What do you remember from these matches?

Mr. Deodato Response: Before the first leg, Boniek said: "We must win but without piling it on, it will be difficult for Lechia players to play in front of 70.000 people". And they won 7-0. In the second leg in Poland, the fans in Gdansk booed Boniek for 90 minutes and he answered scoring the winning goal at minute 83 (Lechia - Juventus 2-3). Walesa was at the stadium and all fans stood up and screamed "Solidarnosc". Walesa thanked the fans by taking a bow. Overall I have the memory of an unstoppable Juventus in Serie A and in the Cup Winners Cup.


Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 38 (456), September 21-27, 1983

(September 14, 1983, Cup Winners Cup, Juventus 7-Lechia Gdansk 0)

Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 40 (458), October 5-11, 1983

(September 28, 1983, Cup Winners Cup, Lechia Gdansk 2-Juventus 3)

Soccernostalgia Question: The second-round tie vs. French side Paris St Germain was a bit trickier. There surely would have been some talk about Platini this time playing against his compatriots. Juventus did well away from home and were almost winning before PSG struck in the last minute. Despite this, a (2-2) away tie was very beneficial to Juventus. For the away leg in typical Trapattoni fashion, Juventus maintained a scoreless tie to advance on away-goals rule? What was the general view of Juventus’ performance?


Mr. Deodato Response: Juventus had to face Paris Saint-Germain, the team which wanted to sign Platini in the previous seasons. Juventus was very close to win in Paris but for an Italian team the draw with two goals on the road had always considered (and it really was) a good result. Boniperti had the opinion that Platini had been influenced by the boos he received and Platini confirmed that it was true. Le Roi Michel also added that Susic had mad too many fouls and that Gentile and Caricola will remember it for the second leg.
In Turin Juventus could qualify with a 0-0 draw with Paris Saint-Germain constantly attacking at the end of the match. It was a very good result as Juventus came from two defeats in a row in Serie A in the derby with Torino and against Sampdoria.


Photo From: France Football, Issue 1959, October 25, 1983

(October 19, 1983, Cup Winners Cup, Paris St Germain 2-Juventus 2)

Photo From: France Football, Issue 1961, November 8, 1983

(November 2, 1983, Cup Winners Cup, Juventus 0-Paris St Germain 0)

Soccernostalgia Question: Juventus entered the Springtime Quarterfinals as Serie A Leadesr with Platini on fire having won the Ballon d’Or at the end of 1983. On paper, their opponents, the Finnish side of Haka Valkeakoski seemed vastly inferior. Yet, Juventus seemed to struggle breaking down their defense and ‘only’ won (1-0) home and away. What do you remember from these matches?


Mr. Deodato Response: The general expectation was to see Juventus winning by 4 or 5 in each game as nobody had ever heard of Haka. In Finland Juventus had many chances to score but the winning goal came in the last minute and was scored by Beniamino Vignola. Platini did not play a good match and a signal came in the previous days as he travelled to France and gave signs of being nervous. The match was played in Strasbourg and Platini had awaited a better welcome from the French fans. Moreover, France Football had written a tough article on Platini accusing him of being too much linked to his ancestral Italian origins and that for the European Cup, he will need to get rid of the Italian clothes. In the second leg Juventus won only by 1 with a goal scored by Tardelli and fans whistled Juventus. Platini was injured and did not play. Trapattoni said to the journalists: "The players are offended. What do fans expected?". True, 1-0 was not the expected results for the fans. But Juventus had lost in Verona some days before and could keep only 2 points advantage on Roma. This might have influenced the game with Haka.


Photo From: France Football, Issue 1979, March 13, 1984

(March 7, 1984, Cup Winners Cup, Haka Valkeakoski 0-Juventus 1)


Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 13 (482), March 28-April 3, 1984

(March 21, 1984, Cup Winners Cup, Juventus 1- Haka Valkeakoski 0)

Soccernostalgia Question: It was at the Semifinals stage that Juventus came across a strong opponent in Manchester United. The first leg Juventus did well to come away with a tie (1-1), but nothing was decided yet. In the second leg, Paolo Rossi scored Juventus’ winner in the end for a (2-1) win Was this Juventus’ best performance in Europe that season?


Mr. Deodato Response: The game in Manchester was played some days before the clash Roma - Juventus with Juventus 3 points ahead of Roma. Juventus knew that they had to obtain a good result in England and also be ready for Roma. Before the match Manchester accused Juventus to have paid the referee. Boniperti: "Manchester fans are upset because they fear that we will sign Robson? They should not be worried, they can keep him". The game was tough and Robson did not play but Juventus could get a 1-1 draw. The second leg in Turin was also 1-1 until some minute before the end when Rossi scored a great goal. The newspapers wrote: "A great goal, in Paolo Rossi's style". Rating for Paolo Rossi: 7.5.


Photo From: France Football, Issue 1984, April 17, 1984

(April 11, 1984, Cup Winners Cup, Manchester United 1-Juventus 1)

Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 18 (488), May 2-8, 1984

(April 25, 1984, Cup Winners Cup, Juventus 2- Manchester United 1)

Soccernostalgia Question: The Final vs. Porto was somewhat unspectacular in retrospect. In Trapattoni fashion, Juventus just did enough to win (2-1). How do you regard the Final?


Mr. Deodato Response: I have other memories in mind. I remember the stadium plenty of Juventus fans in Basel. A bianconeri wall all around, Juventus taking the lead with Vignola followed by the equalizer of Porto and right before the end of the first half, the goal scored by Boniek. I never had the impression that Juventus could risk to lose that game or even to get a second goal. Juventus seemed to be in their best day, solid, sure, keen to win. These have been the ratings of the players by Italian newspapers: Tacconi 7, Gentile 7.5, Cabrini 7, Bonini 6.5, Brio 6.5, Scirea 7, Vignola 7, Tardelli 7, Rossi 6.5, Platini 7.5, Boniek 8.


Photo From: France Football, Issue 1989, May 22, 1984

(May 16, 1984, Cup Winners Cup, Juventus 2- Porto 1)

Soccernostalgia Question: As the season progressed, Beniamino Vignola became Juevntus’ revelation in Serie A and Europe (scoring in the Final vs. Porto and a key winner vs. Haka). He never seemed to build up on the success of this season. Why do you think that was?


Mr. Deodato Response: Vignola was the great solution coming from the bench. In that season he gave Juventus and unexpected great added value with class, precision and mental presence. He was always focused on the results of Juventus and always succeeded in offering creativity. In the following seasons Agnelli continued having faith on Platini, in both 1984-85, in 1985-86 and also in 1986-87. Vignola waited until the end of the 1984-85 season with just a couple of matches in Europe with 2 goals scored to Grasshoppers and a good number of games in Serie A. He wanted more space but Agnelli could not give such a guarantee. He moved then to Verona but Juventus fans have a good memory of this great player.


Soccernostalgia Question: The Serie A would have always been Juventus’ main objective. Do you feel Juventus were mostly untested in Europe that season due to the luck of the draw?


Mr. Deodato Response: I dont see it this way. In the first round it was always probable to meet a weaker team. In the second round (Round of 16), Juventus drew one of the toughest teams, Paris Saint-Germain. Before the draw, when he had been asked which team he wants to avoid, Platini answered "Paris Saint-Germain". The draw with Haka was luck on one side but also caused a lack of concentration. Juventus was busy in Serie A and they thought that it woud have been very easy. It wasnt. My feeling is that Juventus, the fans, the players, the managers, had the great wish to win both competitions. Scudetto had more importance not only for the title but for the possibility to make a new try in the main competitions and win it.



Soccernostalgia Question: This was perhaps Paolo Rossi’s last good season. He came through in the Manchester United matches. How do you assess his general season in Europe?


Mr. Deodato Response: When Paolo Rossi played, above all after the good previous season, everyone exptected him to score tons of goals. At the end he scored in the most decisive moment and, as also Trapattoni said, he helped the team by creating spaces for the other player. When you have Platini, Boniek, Rossi and Vignola it is a good thing not to let the opponents know, who will attack in the center of the defence. Rossi had learned to move more on the left or right side and leave room to Platini and Boniek. He had learned that all defenders had studied him and wanted to stop the World Cup champion and top scorer.



Soccernostalgia Question: One cannot talk about that season without mentioning Michel Platini. However, in Europe, he did not seem as dominant. Was it a question of tactics?


Mr. Deodato Response: After Athens and the defeat with Hamburg Platini has surely had a period where he had to rebreath. It was always hard for him to understand why Italians think of football 7 days out of 7 while in France only in the 2 days of the games, on Sunday and Wednesday. Still, when he did not play, Juventus missed him like in Juventus - Haka in Turin. He scored 20 goals in Serie A with only 3 penalty kicks. He knew that it was his main job: win the Scudetto (his first one) and book the ticket for the next European Cup. And this with the European Championships with France in his mind.



Soccernostalgia Question: In closing, this was Juventus’s second consecutive European Final and in some way was a consolation after the heartbreak of Athens in 1983. How do Juventus fans regard this season’s Cup Winners Cup victory?


Mr. Deodato Response: It was a beautiful moment because it was the confirmation that Juventus belonged to the top European teams. The thought was that Juventus was the best team, with the best players and that in two years only one match had been wrong, the one in Athens. We exclude in this count the first months after the arrival of Platini who needed time to get used to Italy. In Juventus fans' expectations, nobody could have stopped them in Europe in the season to come.





Juventus Matches during the Cup Winners Cup, 1983/84 Season:



September 14, 1983, Turin, Juventus 7-Lechia Gdansk 0 (Michel Platini 18, 26, Domenico Penzo 24, 28, 60, 67, Paolo Rossi 75)

September 28, 1983, Gdansk, Lechia Gdansk 2-Juventus 3 (Marek Kowalczyk 51, Jerzy Kruszczyński 63 pen / Beniamino Vignola 18, Roberto Tavola 77, Zbigniew Boniek 83)

October 19, 1983, Paris, Paris St Germain 2-Juventus 2 (Alain Couriol 39, Michel N’Gom 90 / Zbigniew Boniek 63, Antonio Cabrini 78)

November 2, 1983, Turin, Juventus 0-Paris St Germain 0 (-)

March 7, 1984, Strasbourg, France, Haka Valkeakoski 0-Juventus 1 (Beniamino Vignola 90)

March 21, 1984, Turin, Juventus 1-Haka Valkeakoski 0 (Marco Tardelli 15)

April 11, 1984, Manchester, Manchester United 1-Juventus 1 (Alan Davies 36 / Paolo Rossi 14)

April 25, 1984, Turin, Juventus 2-Manchester United 1 (Zbigniew Boniek 13, Paolo Rossi 90 / Norman Whiteside 70)

May 16, 1984, Basel, Switzerland, Juventus 2-Porto 1 (Beniamino Vignola 12, Zbigniew Boniek 41 / Antonio Sousa 29)





Date: September 14, 1983

Competition: Cup Winners Cup-First Round, First Leg

Result: Juventus Football Club-Torino (Italy) 7- Lechia Gdansk (Poland) 0

Venue: Turin-Stadio Communale

Attendance: 40,000

Referee: Raul Fernandes Nazare (Portugal)

Kick-off time: 20:30


(Juventus): Michel Platini 18, 26, Domenico Penzo 24, 28, 60, 67, Paolo Rossi 75

(Lechia Gdansk):  None



1-Stefano Tacconi, 2-Claudio Gentile, 6-Gaetano Scirea, 5-Sergio Brio, 3-Antonio Cabrini (Nicola Caricola 30), 8-Marco Tardelli, 4-Massimo Bonini, 11-Zbigniew Boniek (Poland), 10-Michel Platini (France) (Beniamino Vignola 60), 9-Paolo Rossi, 7-Domenico Penzo


Coach: Giovanni Trapattoni

Other Substitutes:

Luciano Bodini, Cesare Prandelli, Giuseppe Furino


Team Captain: Gaetano Scirea

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Kappa

Shirt Sponsor: Ariston

Uniform Colors: Black/White vertically striped Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks

Lechia Gdansk:

1-Tadeusz Fajfer, 2-Zbigniew Kowalski,3- Lech Kulwicki, 5-Andrzej Salach, 4-Aleksander Cybulski (Andrzej Marchel 70), 9-Jacek Grembocki, 8-Marek Kowalczyk, 7-Maciej Kamiński, 11-Jerzy Kruszczyński, 6-Dariusz Wójtowicz, 10-Ryszard Polak (Krzysztof Górski 50)


Coach: Jerzy Jastrzebowski

Booked: Zbigniew Kowalski

Other Substitutes:

Ferdynand Wierzba, Roman Josefowicz


Team Captain: -

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: -

Shirt Sponsor: -

Uniform Colors: Green Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks

Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 38 (456), September 21-27, 1983

(September 14, 1983, Cup Winners Cup, Juventus 7-Lechia Gdansk 0)

Date: September 28, 1983

Competition: Cup Winners Cup-First Round, Second Leg

Result: Lechia Gdansk (Poland) 2-Juventus Football Club-Torino (Italy) 3

Venue: Gdansk

Attendance: 40,000

Referee: Keith Stuart-Hacket (England)

Kick-off time: -


(Lechia Gdansk):  Marek Kowalczyk 51, Jerzy Kruszczyński 63 pen

(Juventus): Beniamino Vignola 18, Roberto Tavola 77, Zbigniew Boniek 83


Lechia Gdansk:

1-Tadeusz Fajfer, 2-Andrzej Marchel, 3-Lech Kulwicki, 4-Zbigniew Kowalski, 5-Andrzej Salach, 6-Dariusz Wójtowicz, 7-Maciej Kamiński (Roman Józefowicz 86), 8-Marek Kowalczyk, 9-Jacek Grembocki, 10-Ryszard Polak (Dariusz Raczyński 65), 11-Jerzy Kruszczyński


Coach: Jerzy Jastrzebowski

Other Substitutes:

Marek Wozniak, Aleksander Cybulski


Team Captain: -

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: -

Shirt Sponsor: -

Uniform Colors: Green Shirts, White Shorts, Green Socks




1-Stefano Tacconi, 2-Nicola Caricola, 3-Antonio Cabrini (Roberto Tavola 55), 4-Massimo Bonini, 5-Sergio Brio, 6-Gaetano Scirea, 7-Domenico Penzo, 8-Cesare Prandelli (Michel Platini (France) 68), 9-Paolo Rossi, 10-Beniamino Vignola, 11-Zbigniew Boniek (Poland)


Coach: Giovanni Trapattoni

Other Substitutes:

Luciano Bodini, Claudio Gentile, Giuseppe Furino


Team Captain: Gaetano Scirea

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Kappa

Shirt Sponsor: Ariston

Uniform Colors: Black/White vertically striped Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks


Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 40 (458), October 5-11, 1983

(September 28, 1983, Cup Winners Cup, Lechia Gdansk 2-Juventus 3)

Date: October 19, 1983

Competition: Cup Winners Cup-Second Round, First Leg

Result: Paris Saint-Germain Football Club (France) 2-Juventus Football Club-Torino (Italy) 2

Venue: Paris -Parc des Princes

Attendance: 48,776

Referee: Vojciech Christov (Czechoslovakia)

Kick-off time: -


(Paris St Germain):  Alain Couriol 39, Michel N’Gom 90

(Juventus): Zbigniew Boniek 63, Antonio Cabrini 78


Paris St Germain:

1-Dominique Baratelli, 2-Yannick Guillochon, 4-Jean-Marc Pilorget, 5-Dominique Bathenay (Mustapha Dahleb (Algeria) 50), 3-Franck Tanasi, 7-Manuel Abreu (Michel N’Gom, 65), 8-Pascal Zaremba, 6-Luis Fernandez, 11-Alain Couriol, 9-Dominique Rocheteau, 10-Safet Sušić (Yugoslavia)


Coach: Lucien Leduc

Other Substitutes:

Francis Hedoire, Didier Toffolo, Salah Assad (Algeria)


Team Captain: Dominique Rocheteau

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Le Coq Sportif

Shirt Sponsor: RTL

Uniform Colors: White Shirts with a vertical Red and Blue line on the left side, White Shorts, White Socks



1-Stefano Tacconi, 2-Claudio Gentile, 3-Antonio Cabrini, 4-Nicola Caricola, 5-Sergio Brio, 6-Gaetano Scirea, 7-Domenico Penzo, 8-Marco Tardelli, 9-Paolo Rossi (Massimo Bonini 76), 10-Michel Platini (France), 11-Zbigniew Boniek (Poland)


Coach: Giovanni Trapattoni

Booked: Zbigniew Boniek, Stefano Tacconi

Other Substitutes:

Luciano Bodini, Cesare Prandelli, Giuseppe Furino, Beniamino Vignola


Team Captain: Gaetano Scirea

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Kappa

Shirt Sponsor: Ariston

Uniform Colors: Yellow Shirts, Blue Shorts, Yellow Socks

Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 43 (461), October 26-November 1, 1983

(October 19, 1983, Cup Winners Cup, Paris St Germain 2-Juventus 2)

Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 43 (461), October 26-November 1, 1983

(October 19, 1983, Cup Winners Cup, Paris St Germain 2-Juventus 2)

Photo From: France Football, Issue 1959, October 25, 1983

(October 19, 1983, Cup Winners Cup, Paris St Germain 2-Juventus 2)

Photo From: France Football, Issue 1959, October 25, 1983

(October 19, 1983, Cup Winners Cup, Paris St Germain 2-Juventus 2)

Date: November 2, 1983

Competition: Cup Winners Cup-Second Round, Second Leg

Result: Juventus Football Club-Torino (Italy) 0-Paris Saint-Germain Football Club (France) 0

Venue: Turin-Stadio Communale

Attendance: 60,000

Referee: Volker Roth (West Germany)

Kick-off time: -


(Juventus): None

(Paris St Germain):  None



1-Stefano Tacconi, 2-Claudio Gentile, 3-Antonio Cabrini, 4-Massimo Bonini, 5-Sergio Brio, 6-Gaetano Scirea, 7-Domenico Penzo, 8-Marco Tardelli (Beniamino Vignola 63), 9-Paolo Rossi, 10-Michel Platini (France) (Nicola Caricola 55), 11-Zbigniew Boniek (Poland)


Coach: Giovanni Trapattoni

Booked: Zbigniew Boniek

Other Substitutes:

Luciano Bodini, Cesare Prandelli, Giuseppe Furino


Team Captain: Gaetano Scirea

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Kappa

Shirt Sponsor: Ariston

Uniform Colors: Black/White vertically striped Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks



Paris St Germain:

1-Dominique Baratelli, 8-Gerard Janvion, 3-Franck Tanasi, 6-Luis Fernandez, 4-Jean-Marc Pilorget, 5-Pascal Zaremba (Mustapha Dahleb (Algeria) 79), 7-Alain Couriol, 2-Manuel Abreu (Salah Assad (Algeria) 46), 9-Dominique Rocheteau, 10-Safet Sušić (Yugoslavia), 11-Michel N’Gom


Coach: Lucien Leduc

Booked: Gerard Janvion

Other Substitutes:

Francis Hedoire, Thierry Bacconnier, Marcel De Falco


Team Captain: Dominique Rocheteau

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Le Coq Sportif

Shirt Sponsor: RTL

Uniform Colors: Red in the middle and Navy Blue on each side Shirts, Red Shorts, Red Socks


1-In another source, Franck Tanasi is shown to be booked instead of Janvion.

Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 45 (463), November 9-15, 1983

(November 2, 1983, Cup Winners Cup, Juventus 0-Paris St Germain 0)

Photo From: France Football, Issue 1961, November 8, 1983

(November 2, 1983, Cup Winners Cup, Juventus 0-Paris St Germain 0)

Date: March 7, 1984

Competition: Cup Winners Cup-Quarterfinals, First Leg

Result: Haka Valkeakoski (Finland) 0-Juventus Football Club-Torino (Italy) 1

Venue: Strasbourg-Stade de La Meinau, France

Attendance: 25,000

Referee: Ib Nielsen (Denmark)

Kick-off time: -


(Haka Valkeakoski):  None

(Juventus): Beniamino Vignola 90


Haka Valkeakoski:

1-Oli Huttunen, 7-Timo Lehtinen (Petter Setala 53), 3-Heikki Leinonen (Mikko Pakkanen 70), 5-Esko Ranta, 10-Risto Salonen, 2-Teuvo Vilen, 4-Reijo Vuorinen, 6-Endre Kolar, 8-Pertti Nissinen, 11-Jarmo Kujanpaa, 9-Ari Valvee


Coach: Jukka Vakkila

Other Substitutes:

 Syrjanen, Jouko Pirinen


Team Captain: Esko Ranta

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Umbro

Shirt Sponsor: Walki

Uniform Colors: White Shirts, Black Shorts, White Socks



1-Stefano Tacconi, 2-Claudio Gentile, 3-Antonio Cabrini, 4-Massimo Bonini, 5-Sergio Brio, 6-Gaetano Scirea, 7-Domenico Penzo (16-Beniamino Vignola 53), 8-Marco Tardelli, 9-Paolo Rossi, 10-Michel Platini (France), 11-Zbigniew Boniek (Poland)


Coach: Giovanni Trapattoni

Booked: Antonio Cabrini 72

Other Substitutes:

Luciano Bodini, Nicola Caricola, Giuseppe Furino, Cesare Prandelli,


Team Captain: Gaetano Scirea

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Kappa

Shirt Sponsor: Ariston

Uniform Colors: Yellow Shirts, Blue Shorts, Yellow Socks

Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 11 (480), March 14-20, 1984

(March 7, 1984, Cup Winners Cup, Haka Valkeakoski 0-Juventus 1)

Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 11 (480), March 14-20, 1984

(March 7, 1984, Cup Winners Cup, Haka Valkeakoski 0-Juventus 1)

Date: March 21, 1984

Competition: Cup Winners Cup-Quarterfinals, Second Leg

Result: Juventus Football Club-Torino (Italy) 1-Haka Valkeakoski (Finland) 0

Venue: Turin-Stadio Communale

Attendance: 25,000

Referee: Ioan Igna (Romania)

Kick-off time: 20:30


(Juventus): Marco Tardelli 15

(Haka Valkeakoski):  None



1-Stefano Tacconi, 2-Claudio Gentile, 3-Antonio Cabrini, 4-Massimo Bonini, 5-Sergio Brio, 6-Gaetano Scirea, 7-Domenico Penzo, 8-Marco Tardelli (Cesare Prandelli 74), 9-Paolo Rossi, 10-Beniamino Vignola, 11-Zbigniew Boniek (Poland) (Roberto Tavola 81)


Coach: Giovanni Trapattoni

Other Substitutes:

Luciano Bodini, Nicola Caricola, Giuseppe Furino


Team Captain: Gaetano Scirea

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Kappa

Shirt Sponsor: Ariston

Uniform Colors: Black/White vertically striped Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks



Haka Valkeakoski:

1-Oli Huttunen, 2-Teuvo Vilen, 5-Esko Ranta, 6-Endre Kolar, 4-Reijo Vuorinen, 10-Risto Salonen, 7-Pertti Nissinen, 3-Timo Lehtinen (Petter Setala 70), 9-Ari Valvee, 8-Heikki Huoviala (Mikko Pakkanen 83), 11-Jarmo Kujanpaa


Coach: Jukka Vakkila

Other Substitutes:

Syrjanen, Jouko Pirinen, Moykky


Team Captain: -

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Umbro

Shirt Sponsor: Walki

Uniform Colors: Blue Shirts, Blue Shorts, Blue Socks

Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 13 (482), March 28-April 3, 1984

(March 21, 1984, Cup Winners Cup, Juventus 1- Haka Valkeakoski 0)

Date: April 11, 1984

Competition: Cup Winners Cup- Semifinals, First Leg

Result: Manchester United Football Club (England) 1- Juventus Football Club-Torino (Italy) 1

Venue: Manchester-Old Trafford

Attendance: 58,231

Referee: Johannes Nicolaus Igancius ‘Jan’ Keizer (Holland)

Kick-off time: -


(Manchester United): Alan Davies 36

(Juventus): Paolo Rossi 14


Manchester United:

1-Gary Bailey, 2-Mike Duxburry, 3-Arthur Albiston (Scotland), 4-Paul McGrath (Republic of Ireland), 5-Kevin Moran (Republic of Ireland), 6-Graeme Hogg (Scotland), 7-Arthur Graham (Scotland), 8-Remi Moses, 9-Frank Stapelton (Republic of Ireland), 10-Norman Whiteside (Northern Ireland), 11-Johm Gidman (14-Alan Davies (Wales) 10)

Coach: Ron Atkinson

Other Substitutes:

Stephen Pears, Gordon McQueen (Scotland), Mark Dempsey, Mark Hughes (Wales)


Team Captain: Frank Stapelton

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor:  Sharp

Uniform Colors: Red Shirts, Black Shorts, Black Socks



1-Stefano Tacconi, 2-Claudio Gentile, 3-Antonio Cabrini, 5-Sergio Brio, 6-Gaetano Scirea, 4-Massimo Bonini, 7-Cesare Prandelli, 8-Marco Tardelli, 9-Paolo Rossi, 10-Michel Platini (France), 11-Zbigniew Boniek (Poland)


Coach: Giovanni Trapattoni

Booked: Cesare Prandelli

Other Substitutes:

Luciano Bodini, Nicola Caricola, Roberto Tavola, Beniamino Vignola, Domenico Penzo


Team Captain: Gaetano Scirea

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Kappa

Shirt Sponsor: Ariston

Uniform Colors: Black/White vertically striped Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks


1-For more detail, see:

Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 16 (485), April 18-24, 1984

(April 11, 1984, Cup Winners Cup, Manchester United 1-Juventus 1)

Date: April 25, 1984

Competition: Cup Winners Cup- Semifinals, Second Leg

Result: Juventus Football Club-Torino (Italy) 2-Manchester United Football Club (England) 1

Venue: Turin-Stadio Communale

Attendance: 54,555

Referee: Alexis Ponnet (Belgium)

Kick-off time: -


(Juventus): Zbigniew Boniek 13, Paolo Rossi 90

(Manchester United): Norman Whiteside 70



1-Stefano Tacconi, 2-Claudio Gentile, 3-Antonio Cabrini, 5-Sergio Brio, 6-Gaetano Scirea, 4-Massimo Bonini, 7-Beniamino Vignola, 8-Marco Tardelli (Cesare Prandelli 78), 9-Paolo Rossi, 10-Michel Platini (France), 11-Zbigniew Boniek (Poland)


Coach: Giovanni Trapattoni

Booked: Claudio Gentile


Team Captain: Gaetano Scirea

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Kappa

Shirt Sponsor: Ariston

Uniform Colors: Black/White vertically striped ShirtsWhite Shorts, White Socks


Manchester United:

1-Gary Bailey, 2-Mike Duxburry, 3-Arthur Albiston (Scotland), 5-Kevin Moran (Republic of Ireland), 6-Graeme Hogg (Scotland),7-Paul McGrath (Republic of Ireland), 4-Ray Wilkins, 8-Remi Moses, 9-Frank Stapelton (Republic of Ireland) (12-Norman Whiteside (Northern Ireland) 63), 10-Mark Hughes (Wales), 11-Arthur Graham (Scotland)

Coach: Ron Atkinson

Booked; Remi Moses


Team Captain: Frank Stapelton

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor:  Sharp

Uniform Colors: Red ShirtsBlack Shorts, Black Socks


Photo From: Guerin Sportivo, Issue 18 (488), May 2-8, 1984

(April 25, 1984, Cup Winners Cup, Juventus 2- Manchester United 1)

Date: May 16, 1984

Competition: Cup Winners Cup-Final

Result: Juventus Football Club-Torino (Italy) 2- Futebol Clube do Porto (Portugal) 1

Venue:  Basel- St. Jakob, Switzerland

Attendance: 60,000

Referee: Adolf Prokop (East Germany)

Kick-off time: -


(Juventus): Beniamino Vignola 12, Zbigniew Boniek 41

(Porto):  Antonio Sousa 29



1-Stefano Tacconi, 2-Claudio Gentile, 3-Antonio Cabrini, 4-Massimo Bonini, 5-Sergio Brio, 6-Gaetano Scirea, 7-Beniamino Vignola (13-Nicola Caricola 89), 8-Marco Tardelli, 9-Paolo Rossi, 10-Michel Platini (France), 11-Zbigniew Boniek (Poland)


Coach: Giovanni Trapattoni

Booked: Michel Platini 88

Other Substitutes:

Luciano Bodini, Giuseppe Furino, Cesare Prandelli, Domenico Penzo


Team Captain: Gaetano Scirea

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Kappa

Shirt Sponsor: No sponsor on kits for the final (but normally Ariston)

Uniform Colors: Yellow Shirts, Blue Shorts, Yellow Socks




1-Zé Beto; 2-João Pinto, 4-Lima Pereira, 5-Enrico, 3-Eduardo Luís (16-Jose Costa 82), 6-Jaime Magalhaes (15-Mickey Walsh (Republic of Ireland) 64), 7-Frasco, 10-Jaime Pacheco, 8-Antonio Sousa; 9-Fernando Gomes, 11-Vermelinho


Coach: Jose Maria Pedroto

Booked: Eduardo Luis 13, Fernando Gomes 41, Lima Pereira 81

Other Substitutes:

Antonio Barradas, Augusto Inacio, Joaquim Quinito


Team Captain: Fernando Gomes

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor: No sponsor on kits for the final (but normally Revigres)

Uniform Colors: Blue Shirts, Blue Shorts, Blue Socks

Photo From: Onze, Issue 102, June 1984

(May 16, 1984, Cup Winners Cup, Juventus 2- Porto 1)

Photo From: Onze, Issue 102, June 1984

(May 16, 1984, Cup Winners Cup, Juventus 2- Porto 1)

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