Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Soccernostalgia Interview-Part 69 (Interview and Blog Presentation with French Author Specialized in the France National Team, Mr. Matthieu Delahais, on France National Team’s One-Cap Wonders in the 1980s)


For this interview and Blog Presentation, I look at the France National Team’s One-Cap Wonders in the 1980s

The Interview is in English and in French.

The Interviewee is:

French Author specialized in the France National, Mr. Matthieu Delahais.

Mr. Delahais is Co-Author of books on the France National Team and contributor to @chroniquebleue.


He is the co-Author of French Language books along with Mr. Bruno Colombari @bruno_colombari @chroniquebleue


Un maillot, une légende - Tout sur l'histoire du maillot de l'équipe de France de Football depuis 1904 (2020)

Le dico des bleus (Vie Quotidienne) (2017) 



Mr. Delahais’ contact info:

On Twitter: @ma2thieud


Links to books:





Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): Commençons les joueurs des années 1980 avec une seule apparition en équipe nationale avec Pierrick Hiard. Michel Hidalgo a sélectionné Hiard lors d'un match de qualification pour la Coupe du monde contre la Belgique à Bruxelles le 9 septembre 1981. A l'époque, les gardiens avaient du mal à s'imposer. A-t-il été bénéficiaire de ce problème ?


Soccernostalgia Question: Let’s start the 1980’s players with only one National Team appearance with Pierrick Hiard. Michel Hidalgo selected Hiard in a World Cup qualifier against Belgium in Brussels on September 9, 1981. At the time goalkeepers were having difficulties in establishing themselves. Was he a beneficiary of this problem?


Matthieu Delahais Response: Oui, Pierrick Hiard a sans doute bénéficié du fait qu’aucun gardien n’arrivait à s’imposer dans les buts. Mais d’un autre côté, Michel Hidalgo n’était pas vraiment spécialiste de ce poste, à tel point qu’en 1982, il a pris un adjoint spécifique pour l’aider à ce poste. Il s’agissait d’Ivan Curkovic, l’ancien portier de Saint-Etienne, qui lui a recommandé Jean-Luc Ettori au détriment de Dominique Baratelli qui était beaucoup plus expérimenté. Pour en revenir à Pierrick Hiard, Michel Hidalgo lui dit qu’il le faisait jouer contre la Belgique (défaite 2-0) tandis que Jean Castaneda jouerait contre l’Irlande (défaite 3-2) et qu’il conserverait le meilleur par la suite. Pierrick Hiard est fautif sur le premier but encaissé (il rate son intervention sur le centre amenant la réalisation belge), mais ne peut rien sur le second. C’est Jean Castaneda qui récupère finalement la place. Il semble qu’il ait bénéficié du soutien de la presse. Pierrick Hiard est alors considéré comme le troisième gardien (derrière Dominique Baratelli et Jean Castaneda), mais perd cette place au profil de Jean-Luc Ettori avant la coupe du monde. Avoir raté la coupe du monde est le plus grand regret de Pierrick Hiard. Il a aussi eu du mal à accepter que les autres portiers testés à cette époque aient eu leur chance sur deux-trois matchs, dont des rencontres amicales, alors que lui a été envoyé au casse-pipe dans un match de qualification pour la coupe du monde au Heysel.

Matthieu Delahais Response: Yes, Pierrick Hiard undoubtedly benefited from the fact that no goalkeeper was able to impose himself in the goals. But on the other hand, Michel Hidalgo was not really a specialist in this position, so much so that in 1982, he took on a specific assistant to help him in this position. It was Ivan Curkovic, the former Saint-Etienne goalkeeper, who recommended Jean-Luc Ettori to the detriment of Dominique Baratelli who was much more experienced. Coming back to Pierrick Hiard, Michel Hidalgo told him that he was making him play against Belgium (2-0 defeat) while Jean Castaneda would play against Ireland (3-2 defeat) and that he would keep the best by following. Pierrick Hiard is at fault for the first goal conceded (he misses his intervention on the center leading to the Belgian achievement), but can do nothing about the second. It is Jean Castaneda who finally gets the place. It seems that he benefited from the support of the press. Pierrick Hiard is then considered as the third goalkeeper (behind Dominique Baratelli and Jean Castaneda), but loses this place to Jean-Luc Ettori's profile before the World Cup. Missing the World Cup is Pierrick Hiard's biggest regret. He also had difficulty accepting that the other goalkeepers tested at that time had had their chance in two or three matches, including friendly matches, while he was sent to the pipebreaker in a qualifying match for the European Cup. world at Heysel.


Photo From: Panini France 1981-82

(Pierrick Hiard)

Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): L'attaquant toulousain Jean-Marc Ferratge est testé par Hidalgo lors d'un match amical contre la Hollande à Rotterdam le 10 novembre 1982. Que pouvez-vous dire de sa carrière et pourquoi il n'a joué qu'une seule fois ?

Soccernostalgia Question: Toulouse striker Jean-Marc Ferratge was tested by Hidalgo in a friendly vs. Holland at Rotterdam on November 10, 1982. What can you say about his career and why he only played once?

Matthieu Delahais Response: Jean-Marc Ferratge a bénéficié lors de ce match des absences de Michel Platini, Bernard Genghini et Alain Giresse. Il venait débuter en première division avec Toulouse et avait fait un bon début de saison. Malheureusement pour lui, il connaissait toujours une baisse de forme à l’automne et n’a pas réussi son match, à l’inverse de l’autre débutant Jean-Marc Ferreri. Michel Hidalgo lui avait dit qu’il aurait une autre chance, mais ça ne s’est pas fait. Jean-Marc Ferratge a ensuite vécu l’aventure avec l’équipe olympique, a participé à aux qualifications mais s’est blessé un mois avec les Jeux de Los Angeles. Il pensait avoir une autre chance à la fin des années 80 lorsqu’il évoluait avec Monaco, mais son style ne semblait pas convenir au sélectionneur Michel Platini.

Matthieu Delahais Response: Jean-Marc Ferratge benefited during this match from the absences of Michel Platini, Bernard Genghini and Alain Giresse. He had just started in the first division with Toulouse and had a good start to the season. Unfortunately for him, he still experienced a drop in form in the fall and did not succeed in his match, unlike the other debutant Jean-Marc Ferreri. Michel Hidalgo told him he would have another chance, but that didn't happen. Jean-Marc Ferratge then experienced the adventure with the Olympic team, participated in the qualifications but was injured for a month during the Los Angeles Games. He thought he would have another chance in the late 1980s when he played with Monaco, but his style did not seem to suit coach Michel Platini.


Photo From: Panini France 1982-83

(Jean-Marc Ferratge)

Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): Le milieu de terrain stéphanois Jean-Louis Zanon a été sélectionné par Hidalgo comme défenseur lors d'un match amical à Paris au Parc des Princes contre l'Espagne le 5 octobre 1983. Il faisait partie de l'équipe olympique d'Henri Michel et devait son apparition à de nombreuses blessures. Que pensez-vous de ses chances à l'époque?

Soccernostalgia Question: Saint Etienne midfielder Jean-Louis Zanon was selected by Hidalgo as a defender in a friendly at Paris at Parc des Princes against Spain on October 5th, 1983. He was part of Henri Michel’s Olympic side and owed his appearance to many injuries. What are your thoughts on his chances at the time?

Matthieu Delahais Response: Pour ce match face à l’Espagne, Michel Hidalgo est confronté à une cascade de blessures en défense (Manuel Amoros, Patrick Battiston et Maxime Bossis). Il va donc piocher dans l’équipe olympique en demande à Jean-Louis Zanon s’il acceptait de jouer arrière gauche, alors qu’il était milieu de terrain à ce moment. Le joueur a accepté sans hésiter. Lors du match, il doit prendre au marquage le meilleur Espagnol, Carrasco, et passe une soirée compliquée. Jean-Louis Zanon se concentre ensuite sur les Jeux olympiques qui seront le grand souvenir de sa carrière. Le seul remord vis-à-vis de l’équipe de France de Jean-Louis Zanon est de ne pas avoir fait la coupe du monde 1982 où René Girard lui a été préféré. 

Matthieu Delahais Response: For this match against Spain, Michel Hidalgo is faced with a cascade of injuries in defense (Manuel Amoros, Patrick Battiston and Maxime Bossis). He will therefore draw from the Olympic team and ask Jean-Louis Zanon if he agrees to play left back, even though he was a midfielder at the time. The player accepted without hesitation. During the match, he had to take on the best Spaniard, Carrasco, in marking and had a complicated evening. Jean-Louis Zanon then focuses on the Olympic Games which will be the great memory of his career. The only remorse towards Jean-Louis Zanon's French team is not having made the 1982 World Cup where René Girard was preferred.



Photo From: Panini France 1983-84

(Jean-Louis Zanon)

Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): Le gardien de but vétéran de Sochaux, Albert Rust, était le gardien titulaire de l'équipe olympique d'Henri Michel et il remporterait la médaille d'or aux Jeux olympiques de Los Angeles en 1984. Au niveau international, il était derrière Joel Bats et rarement en mesure de jouer. Il a fait sa seule apparition à 32 ans lors du match pour la troisième place contre la Belgique le 28 juin 1986. Son âge était-il un désavantage pour faire carrière avec l'équipe nationale ?

Soccernostalgia Question: Sochaux’s veteran goalkeeper Albert Rust was the starting goalkeeper in Henri Michel’s Olympic side and he would win the Gold Medal in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. At Intenational level he was behind Joel Bats and rarely in a position to play. He made his only appearance as a 32-year-old in the Third place match vs. Belgium on June 28, 1986. Was his age a disadvantage to have a career with the National Team?

Matthieu Delahais Response: Il est sûr qu’à 32 ans, il était plus près de la fin de sa carrière que du début. Et comme dans les buts le titulaire Joël Bats n’avait que 29 ans, il est sûr qu’Albert Rust ne représentait pas l’avenir. Martini devient le second gardien appelé après la coupe du monde. D’ailleurs, s’il considère ce match comme la Belgique comme son jubilé, son grand souvenir en Bleu reste la victoire avec l’équipe olympique en 1984. Albert Rust affiche toutefois une belle fierté à avoir été 26 fois sur le banc et sourit aussi en rappelant qu’il a joué 120 minutes pour sa seule sélection alors que d’autres joueurs n’ont pas passé que quelques minutes sur la pelouse pour une seule sélection également. 

Matthieu Delahais Response: It is certain that at 32, he was closer to the end of his career than the beginning. And as in goal the holder Joël Bats was only 29 years old, it is certain that Albert Rust did not represent the future. Martini becomes the second goalkeeper called up after the World Cup. Moreover, if he considers this match like Belgium as his jubilee, his great memory in Blue remains the victory with the Olympic team in 1984. Albert Rust, however, displays great pride in having been on the bench 26 times and smiles also remembering that he played 120 minutes for his only selection while other players only spent a few minutes on the pitch for a single selection as well.


Photo From: Panini France 1985-86

(Albert Rust)

Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): Le défenseur du PSG Philippe Jeannol faisait également partie de l'équipe olympique gagnante d'or d'Henri Michel aux Jeux de Los Angeles en 1984. Henri Michel l'a sélectionné pour jouer dans un match de qualification pour l'Euro contre l'Union soviétique à Paris au Parc des Princes le 11 octobre 1986.

Il ferait un mauvais match et ne serait plus rappelé. Cette performance a-t-elle ruiné les chances d'opportunités futures ?

Soccernostalgia Question: PSG defender Philippe Jeannol was also part of Henri Michel’s Gold winning Olympic side of the 1984 Los Angeles games. Henri Michel selected him to play in a Euro qualifier vs. the Soviet Union in Paris at Parc des Princes on October 11, 1986.

He would have a poor match and not called up again. Did this performance ruin any chances of future opportunities?

Matthieu Delahais Response: Philippe Jeannol était un très bon joueur, mais il était en concurrence, s’il on peut dire, avec des monstres tel que Maxime Bossis ou Patrick Battiston. Il doit d’ailleurs sa présence à une blessure du défenseur bordelais. Philippe Jeannol avait été appelé deux fois par Michel Hidalgo en 1982 et 1983 sans entrer en jeu. Pour sa première (et dernière cape), il a la malchance d’affronter l’URSS qui est une des meilleures sélections du monde, future finaliste de l’Euro 1998. L’équipe soviétique bénéficié de l’ossature du Dynamo de Kiev qui venait de remporter la coupe des coupes. La France a été dominé comme elle l’a rarement été (défaite 2-0) et cela n’a pas aidé les joueurs à se mettre en évidence. Dans cette période de reconstruction après les départs progressifs des anciennes gloires des Bleus, le sélectionneur Henri Michel a beaucoup tâtonner et fait de nombreux essais, qui dans le cas de Jean-Philippe Jeannol n’a pas été renouvelé.

Matthieu Delahais Response: Philippe Jeannol was a very good player, but he was in competition, so to speak, with monsters such as Maxime Bossis or Patrick Battiston. He owes his presence to an injury to the Bordeaux defender. Philippe Jeannol had been called up twice by Michel Hidalgo in 1982 and 1983 without coming into play. For his first (and last cape), he had the misfortune of facing the USSR which is one of the best selections in the world, future finalist of Euro 1998. The Soviet team benefited from the backbone of Dynamo Kiev which had just won the Cup Winners Cups. France was dominated as it has rarely been (2-0 defeat) and that did not help the players to stand out. In this period of reconstruction after the gradual departures of the former glories of the Blues, coach Henri Michel tried a lot and made numerous tests, which in the case of Jean-Philippe Jeannol was not renewed.


Photo From: Panini France 1986-87

(Philippe Jeannol)

Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): Le milieu de terrain Jean-Philippe Rohr était un autre membre de l'équipe olympique d'Henri Michel en 1984. Henri Michel l'a sélectionné lors d'un match de qualification pour l'Euro contre l'Union soviétique à Moscou le 9 septembre 1987. À l'époque, il jouait pour les leaders de la ligue Monaco et peut-être il a été sélectionné à cause de cela. Quelles étaient ses chances pour de futures apparitions ?

Soccernostalgia Question: Midfielder Jean-Philippe Rohr was another member of Henri Michel’s Olympic side of 1984. Henri Michel selected him to in a Euro qualifier vs. the Soviet Union in Moscow on September 9, 1987. At the time he was playing for League leaders Monaco and perhaps he was selected because of this. What were his chances for future appearances?

Matthieu Delahais Response: Le contexte était toujours compliqué pour l’équipe de France qui n’avançait pas dans son parcours qualificatif pour l’Euro. Jean-Philippe Rohr n’était pas le premier choix du sélectionneur qui avait aligné José Touré. Jean-Philippe Rohr est entré en jeu car José Touré avait pris une béquille et ne pouvait plus continuer. Le score du match était plutôt honorable (1-1) même si les Soviétiques ont égalisé trois minutes après la rentrée de Jean-Philippe Rohr. Ce dernier n'a sans doute pas été rappelé car Henri Michel comptait des joueurs plus expérimentés que lui en milieu de terrain (Luis Fernandez, José Touré ou Jean-Marc Ferreri). Mais encore une fois, le manque de résultat obligeait Henri Michel à changer régulièrement ses plans et à faire appel à de nombreux joueurs qu’il ne rappelait pas toujours par la suite.

Matthieu Delahais Response: The context was always complicated for the France team which was not making progress in its qualifying journey for the Euro. Jean-Philippe Rohr was not the first choice of the coach who had aligned José Touré. Jean-Philippe Rohr came on because José Touré had taken a crutch and could no longer continue. The score of the match was rather honorable (1-1) even if the Soviets equalized three minutes after the return of Jean-Philippe Rohr. The latter was probably not recalled because Henri Michel had players more experienced than him in midfield (Luis Fernandez, José Touré or Jean-Marc Ferreri). But once again, the lack of results forced Henri Michel to regularly change his plans and to call on numerous players whom he did not always call back afterwards.


Photo From: Panini France 1987-88

(Jean-Philippe Rohr)

Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): Le défenseur central monégasque Rémy Vogel a également disputé le même match en 1987 contre l'Union soviétique. Tout comme son coéquipier Rohr, il a peut-être bénéficié de la position de Monaco en Ligue à l'époque. Que pouvez-vous dire de l'ancien joueur de Strasbourg et des raisons de sa sélection ?

Soccernostalgia Question: Monaco’s central defender Rémy Vogel also played in the same match in 1987 vs. the Soviet Union. Much like his clubmate Rohr, he may have benefitted from Monaco’s League position at the time. What can you say about the former Strasbourg player and the reasons for his selection?

Matthieu Delahais Response: Rémy Vogel a bénéficié des forfaits de Patrick Battiston et Alain Roche. Il a d’ailleurs failli ne pas jouer ce match en URSS, car il n’avait pas de visa. Fort heureusement, il a pu l’obtenir juste avant le décollage de l’avion. Sa prestation est correcte, même si le but de l’égalisation vient suite à un centre qu’il n’a pas pu empêcher. Henri Michel était satisfait de sa prestation, l’a appelé pour le match suivant, mais Rémy Vogel a déclaré forfait sur blessure et n’a plus a été appelé ensuite.

Matthieu Delahais Response: Rémy Vogel benefited from the forfeits of Patrick Battiston and Alain Roche. He almost didn't play this match in the USSR, because he didn't have a visa. Fortunately, he was able to obtain it just before the plane took off. His performance is correct, even if the equalizing goal comes following a cross that he was unable to prevent. Henri Michel was satisfied with his performance, called him up for the next match, but Rémy Vogel withdrew due to injury and was not called up again after that.


Photo From: Panini France 1987-88

(Rémi Vogel)

Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): Le milieu de terrain de Matra Racing Bruno Germain a été sélectionné par Henri Michel lors d'un match de qualification sans conséquence pour l'Euro contre l'Allemagne de l'Est à Paris au Parc des Princes le 18 novembre 1987. C'était une équipe expérimentale et peut-être que Germain a été sélectionné comme une option potentielle pour l'avenir. Que pouvez-vous dire de ses chances ?

Soccernostalgia Question: Matra Racing midfielder Bruno Germain was selected by Henri Michel in an inconsequential Euro qualifier vs. East Germany in Paris at Parc des Princes on November 18, 1987. It was an experimental side and perhaps Germain was selected as a potential option for the future. What can you say about his chances?

Matthieu Delahais Response: Bruno Germain est préféré à Laurent Blanc pour cette rencontre. Effectivement, cette rencontre est sans enjeu puisque la France est déjà éliminée. C’est peut-être la polyvalence de ce joueur capable d’écvoluer un peu partout qui a intéressé Henri Michel. La France s’incline 1-0 et Bruno Germain n’est pas exempt de tous reproche sur l’action qui amène le but.

Matthieu Delahais Response: Bruno Germain is preferred to Laurent Blanc for this meeting. Indeed, this meeting is without stakes since France is already eliminated. It is perhaps the versatility of this player capable of playing almost anywhere that interested Henri Michel. France lost 1-0 and Bruno Germain was not exempt from all criticism of the action that led to the goal.

Photo From: Panini France 1987-88

(Bruno Germain)

Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): L'attaquant de Saint-Etienne Patrice Garande était encore un autre membre de l'équipe olympique d'Henri Michel de 1984. Henri Michel l'a sélectionné lors d'un match amical contre l'Irlande du Nord à Belfast le 27 avril 1988. Le joueur lui-même a estimé qu'il n'était pas un joueur de niveau international, ce qui sont vos pensées?

Soccernostalgia Question: Saint Etienne striker Patrice Garande was yet another member of Henri Michel’s Olympic side of 1984. Henri Michel selected him in a friendly vs. the Northern Ireland in Belfast on April 27, 1988. The player himself felt he was not an International level player, what are your thoughts?

Matthieu Delahais Response: Patrice Garande était un bon joueur de première division. Il a été meilleur buteur du championnat en 1984 avec l’AJ Auxerre (21 buts). Il a également fait partie de l’équipe de France médaillée d’or aux Jeux Olympiques. Il aurait pu arriver chez les Bleus plus tôt, mais jusqu’au mondial 1986, les places étaient très chères. Sa prestation a été de son propre aveu pas très bonne. Mais il garde une immense fierté de cette sélection. Je crois qu’on été à un moment où les résultats ne suivant pas, Henri Michel était contraint de faire de nombreux essais. Celui de Patrice Garande ne s’est malheureusement pour lui pas bien passé. 

Matthieu Delahais Response: Patrice Garande was a good first division player. He was top scorer in the championship in 1984 with AJ Auxerre (21 goals). He was also part of the French team that won gold at the Olympic Games. He could have arrived at the Blues earlier, but until the 1986 World Cup, places were very expensive. His performance was, by his own admission, not very good. But he remains immensely proud of this selection. I believe that we were at a time when the results were not following, Henri Michel was forced to do numerous tests. That of Patrice Garande unfortunately did not go well for him.


Photo From: Panini France 1987-88

(Patrice Garande)

Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): Le milieu de terrain de Sochaux Thierry Laurey a été sélectionné par le nouveau entraineur de l'équipe nationale Michel Platini lors d'un match de qualification pour la Coupe du monde à Glasgow contre l'Ecosse le 8 mars 1989. Il a bénéficié d'une bonne saison par Sochaux. Avait-il une chance réaliste d'avoir plus d'apparitions?

Soccernostalgia Question: Sochaux midfielder Thierry Laurey was selected by new National Team manager Michel Platini in a a World Cup qualifier at Glasgow vs. Scotland on March 8th, 1989. He was beneficiary of a good season by Sochaux. Did he have a realistic chance for more appearances?

Matthieu Delahais Response: Lui aussi a bénéficié de la blessure d’un autre joueur (Jean Tigana) pour être aligné. Sa prestation contre l’Ecosse, à l’image de celle de l’équipe, n’est pas fameuse. Il est pourtant appelé à nouveau pour le match suivant, mais reste sur le banc. En fin de rencontre, Daniel Xuereb (un attaquant) est remplacé par un milieu de terrain, un certain Didier Deschamps. Il ne rendra jamais sa place et Thierry Laurey n’est plus appelé.

Matthieu Delahais Response: He also benefited from the injury of another player (Jean Tigana) to be aligned. His performance against Scotland, like that of the team, is not famous. However, he was called up again for the following match, but remained on the bench. At the end of the match, Daniel Xuereb (an attacker) was replaced by a midfielder, a certain Didier Deschamps. He will never give up his place and Thierry Laurey is no longer called up.


Photo From: Panini France 1988-89

(Thierry Laurey)

Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): Il semble que de nombreux joueurs connaissaient déjà Henri Michel car ils jouaient sous lui dans l'équipe olympique. J'imagine que c'était un avantage dans certains cas d'avoir eu une chance?

Soccernostalgia Question: It appears that many of the players were already familiar with Henri Michel as they played under him in the Olympic side. I imagine that was an advantage in some of the cases for being given a chance?

Matthieu Delahais Response: Oui, d’autant plus que l’équipe de France avait été brillante lors de Jeux olympiques. Il était logique jusqu’à la coupe du monde 1986 de faire confiance aux champions d’Europe. Mais quand les choses sont devenues plus compliquées, avec les départs des glorieux anciens, Henri Michel a fait appel à ses anciens protégés qui avaient pris de la bouteille. Mais ces nombreux essais se sont révélés rarement concluants. Il faut dire que les résultats n’aident pas non plus à travailler dans la sérénité. 

Matthieu Delahais Response: Yes, especially since the French team was brilliant during the Olympic Games. It was logical until the 1986 World Cup to trust the European champions. But when things became more complicated, with the departures of the glorious elders, Henri Michel called on his former protégés who had fallen on hard times. But these numerous tests rarely proved conclusive. It must be said that the results do not help to work with peace of mind either.

Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): De cette liste, il semble que Bruno Germain méritait peut-être plus de chances. Il a été titulaire dans la grande équipe OM de Tapie. En fait, Raymond Goethals a déclaré qu'il était le meilleur joueur français à son poste. Était-il limité parce que Platini avait déjà de nombreuses options à ce poste ?

Soccernostalgia Question: From this list, it feels like Bruno Germain perhaps deserved more chances. He was a starter at the great OM side of Tapie. In fact, Raymond Goethals stated that he was the best French player in his position. Was he restricted because Platini already had many options in the position?

Matthieu Delahais Response: Effectivement. Mais il est tombé au mauvais moment. Lors de sa sélection contre l’Allemagne de l’Est, l’équipe de France, éliminée de l’Euro, est au fond du trou et Bruno Germain n’arrive pas à se mettre en valeur. Et lorsqu’il commence à être très performant en club au début des années 1990, un nouveau sélectionneur est arrivé et commence à obtenir des résultats depuis un an environ. Je suppose que si Michel Platini ne lui a pas redonné de chance, c’est parce qu’il avait une équipe qui tournait et qu’il a décidé de faire confiance au groupe qu’il avait commencé à mettre en place. C’est l’effet inverse d’une équipe qui ne tourne pas et où on est contraint de faire de nombreux essais pour trouver la bonne solution.  

Matthieu Delahais Response: Effectively. But it came at the wrong time. During his selection against East Germany, the French team, eliminated from the Euro, was at the bottom of the hole and Bruno Germain was unable to shine. And when he began to perform very well at the club in the early 1990s, a new coach arrived and began to obtain results for about a year. I suppose that if Michel Platini didn't give him another chance, it's because he had a rotating team and he decided to trust the group he had started to put together. It’s the opposite effect of a team that doesn’t rotate and where we are forced to make numerous attempts to find the right solution.


Soccernostalgia Question: (Original Question in French): Quel est le fil conducteur entre ces joueurs ? Sont-ils bénéficiaires d'une bonne forme de club à l'époque et/ou de blessures/forfaits ?

Soccernostalgia Question: What is the common thread between these players? Are they beneficiaries of good club form at the time and//or injuries/withdrawals?

Matthieu Delahais Response: C’est une combinaison des deux. Ces joueurs ont été performants au bon moment, et ont bénéficié de blessures ou forfaits pour un certain nombre d’entre eux. Le fait qu’ils n’aient été appelé qu’une fois montre toutefois que ce n’était pas des premiers choix. Et surtout, beaucoup d’entre eux n’ont pas su saisir la chance qui leur a été offerte, même si certains ont aussi été victime de blessure pas la suite.

Note : Le livre « Bleus éphémères » de Raphaël Perry m’a été d’une grande aide pour répondre à cette interview. Merci à son auteur

Matthieu Delahais Response: It's a combination of both. These players performed well at the right time, and benefited from injuries or withdrawals for a certain number of them. The fact that they were only called once, however, shows that they were not first choices. And above all, many of them did not know how to seize the chance that was offered to them, even if some were also victims of injury afterwards.

Note: The book “Ephemeral Blues” by Raphaël Perry was a great help to me in answering this interview. Thanks to its author


France National Team’s One-Cap Wonders in the 1980s


In the decade of 1980s, France were managed by Michel Hidalgo, Henri Michel and in the tail-end by Michel Platini. They each selected many players with the National Team who had short careers. They were a selected few within the decade that only managed a single appearance.

I look back at France National Team’s One-Cap Wonders in the 1980s.

The aim is to look upon the reason, background, and circumstances why a certain player was selected for a match but never again.


Pierrick Hiard, 1981:

Goalkeeper Pierrick Hiard was born in Rennes (April 27, 1955) and made his breakthrough at his home club Stade Rennais from 1973 onwards.

In 1977, he joined Bastia and was part of the team that won the French Cup in 1980/81.

This put him on the radar of Michel Hidalgo who selected the 26-year-old Hiard in a World Cup qualifier against Belgium in Brussels on September 9, 1981.

Hiard was beneficiary of inconsistency amongst French goalkeepers to earn this selection.

France lost (0-2) and this would be Hiard’s lone selection.

After six years at Bastia, he rejoined Rennes in 1983 and remained with the club until retirement in 1992 (yo-yo-ing between the First and Second Divisions).


Photo From: Magazine Source Unknown

(Pierrick Hiard in his only cap, September 9, 1981, World Cup Qualifier, Belgium 2-France 0)

Jean-Marc Ferratge , 1982:

Striker Jean-Marc Ferratge was born in Cazères (October 10, 1959). He made his debut with Bordeaux (1977-80).

He joined Nîmes Olympique in 1980 and after two seasons joined Toulouse in 1982.

It was in his first season at Toulouse that Hidalgo chose to test the 23-year-old in a friendly vs. Holland at Rotterdam on November 10, 1982 (France won 2-1).

On that day he made his debut along with Laval goalkeeper Jean-Pierre Tempet, François Brisson and a certain Luis Fernandez.

This would be Ferratge’s only match for France and he would be replaced in the 68th minute by Brisson.

He remained with Toulouse until 1986, then joined Monaco for a five-year spell until 1991.

At Monaco he won the French League title in 1988 under Arsene Wenger.

He rejoined Bordeaux (now in the Second Division) for his last year (1991/92) before retiring.


Photo From: Onze, Issue 86, February 1983

(Jean-Marc Ferratge in his only cap, November 10, 1982, Holland 1-France 2)

Jean-Louis Zanon, 1983:

Defensive midfielder Jean-Louis Zanon was born in Montauban (November 30, 1960). He made his breakthrough at AS Saint Etienne in the late 1970s.

He was part of the Saint Etienne squad in the tail end of their glory years along with the likes of Michel Platini and Johnny Rep. He won the French League title with the club in 1980/81, their last to date.

Michel Hidalgo selected the 22-year-old as an outside back in a friendly at Paris at Parc des Princes against Spain on October 5th, 1983 (1-1 tie).

He made his debut with William Ayache in the match that Marius Tresor became the record-holder of appearances for France.

Zanon was selected as France had a number of injuries and most likely would not have been selected otherwise.

Zanon was in fact part of Henri Michel’s Olympic side and he would win the Gold Medal in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.

He left Saint Etienne in 1984 to join Olympique Marseille. In 1987, he joined FC Metz and after two seasons joined Nîmes Olympique in 1989.

After two seasons he joined Nancy in 1991, retiring in 1993.



Albert Rust, 1986:

Goalkeeper Albert Rust was born in Mulhouse (October 10, 1953). He started with Sochaux in the early 1970s and stayed with the club until relegation in 1987.

He was already in his early 30s, when Hidalgo included him in the 1984 Euros Finals squad, along with Philippe Bergeroo as a back-up to Joel Bats.

Rust was the starting goalkeeper in Henri Michel’s Olympic side and he would win the Gold Medal in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.

He was also a back-up to Joel Bats as part of France’s 1986 World Cup side managed by Henri Michel. The 32-year-old made his only appearance for France in the Third place match vs. Belgium on June 28, 1986 (4-2 France win).

Following Sochaux’s relegation, he joined newly promoted Montpellier in 1987 and remained with the club until 1990 (winning the French Cup in 1990).

He then joined Monaco for a final season (1990/91) (though he did not make an appearance before retiring in 1991.



Photo From: Magazine Source Unknown

(Albert Rust in his only cap, June 28, 1986, World Cup, France 4-Belgium 2)

Philippe Jeannol, 1986:

Defender Philippe Jeannol was born in Nancy (August 6, 1958). He started with his home club Nancy in the mid-1970s along with a certain Michel Platini.

Jeannol was a key player in Henri Michel’s Olympic side and he would win the Gold Medal in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.

Following the Olympics, he joined Paris St. Germain. Henri Michel selected the 28-year-old to play in a Euro qualifier vs. the Soviet Union in Paris at Parc des Princes on October 11, 1986. He was helpless in central defense a (0-2) loss against the Dinamo Kiev inspired side managed by Valeri Lobanovsky.

He remained with PSG until 1991 before joining Oman Second Division side ‘Sur’ for a final spell (1991/92) with his former PSG teammate Michel Bibard.


Photo From: Onze, Issue 131, November 1986

(Philippe Jeannol in his only cap, standing first on the left, October 11, 1986, EC Qualifier, France 0-USSR 2)

Jean-Philippe Rohr, 1987:

Midfielder Jean-Philippe Rohr was born in Metz (December 23, 1961). He started with his home club FC Metz in the late 1970s.

He was a member of the Metz side that won the French Cup in 1984.

Rohr was a member of Henri Michel’s Olympic side and he would win the Gold Medal in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.

He left Metz in 1985 and joined OGC Nice for one season (1985/86) before joining Monaco in 1986.

He won the French League title with the side in 1987/88.

Henri Michel selected the 25-year-old to play in a Euro qualifier vs. the Soviet Union in Moscow on September 9, 1987 (1-1 tie). He replaced Jose Toure in the 74th minute.

After his spell in Monaco, he rejoined OGN Nice in 1988 and remained there until retirement in 1991.


Rémy Vogel, 1987:

Central defender (stopper) Rémy Vogel was born in Strasbourg (November 26, 1960). He started with his home club RC Strasbourg in the late 1970s.

Vogel remained with Strasbourg until 1987 before joining Monaco.

He won the French League title with the side in 1987/88.

Along with clubmate Rohr, Henri Michel selected the 26-year-old to play in central defense in a Euro qualifier vs. the Soviet Union in Moscow on September 9, 1987 (1-1 tie).

He had been called up after a number of withdrawals and was unlikely to have been selected otherwise.

He remained with Monaco and retired in 1990. He passed away on October 17, 2016, aged just 55.


Bruno Germain, 1987:

Midfielder Bruno Germain was born in Orléans (April 28, 1960). He started with his home club Orléans in the late 1970s.

He joined Nancy in 1982 and remained there until 1986, when he joined the ambitious Matra Racing Paris 1986.

Henri Michel selected the 27-year-old to play in a Euro qualifier vs. East Germany in Paris at Parc des Princes on November 18, 1987 (0-1 French loss).

In 1988, je joined Toulon and then joined Olympiqiue Marseille in 1989. He would be a key member of OM in his two seasons there and win the League titles of 1989/90 and 1990/91.

In 1991, he was included in a package deal with Laurent Fournier and Bernard Pardo as OM signed Jocelyn Angloma from Paris St. Germain.

He remained with PSG until 1993 before joining in Angers (1993/94).

He returned to OM for one last season in the Second Division (1994/95) before retiring in 1995.

From the 1980s one-cap wonders, he was perhaps the one who should have earned further caps.


Photo From: Les Bleus, Author Denis Chaumier, 2004

(Bruno Germain in his only cap, November 18, 1987, EC Qualifier, France 0-East Germany 1)


Photo From: Magazine Source Unknown

(Bruno Germain in his only cap, November 18, 1987, EC Qualifier, France 0-East Germany 1)

Patrice Garande, 1988:

Striker Patrice Garande was born in Oullins (November 27, 1962). He started with Saint Etienne in the late 1970s.

After that he joined Chênois (1979/80) and Orléans (1980/81) before joining Guy Roux’s Auxerre in 1981.

He would have his breakthrough there and was part of the Auxerre side that achieved UEFA Cup qualification in 1983/84. In that season he was also joint Top Goalscorer of the League and formed a successful partnership with veteran Polish strike partner Andrzej Szarmach.

He was a member of Henri Michel’s Olympic side and he would win the Gold Medal in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, though he did not play in the latter stages.

In 1986, he joined Nantes for one season (1986/87), before joining his formative club Saint Etienne in 1987.

Henri Michel selected the 25-year-old to play in a friendly vs. the Northern Ireland in Belfast on April 27, 1988 (scoreless tie). He was replaced Philippe Fargeon in the 83rd minute.

He left Saint Etienne in 1989 and bounced from club to club in one season spells for the rest of his career before retirement in 1995: RC Lens (1989/90), Montpellier (1990/91), Le Havre (1991/92), Sochaux (1992/93), Bourges (1993/94) and Orléans (1994/95).

He was Henri Michel’s final one-cap wonder.

According to the player himself, he did not possess the necessary level to be an International player.


Photo From: Onze, Issue 150, June 1988

(Patrice Garande in his only cap, April 27, 1988, Northern Ireland 0-France 0)

Thierry Laurey, 1989:

Midfielder Thierry Laurey was born in Troyes (February 17, 1964). He started with Valenciennes in 1982 and remained until 1986.

In 1986, he joined Bernard Tapie’s Olympqiue Marseille for one season (1986/87) before joining Montpellier for one season (1987/88).

In1988, he joined newly promoted side Sochaux and at the end of the season would achieve UEFA Cup qualification.

New National Team Manager Michel Platini selected him in a World Cup qualifier at Glasgow vs. Scotland on March 8th, 1989 (0-2 France loss).

He left Sochaux in 1990 to join Paris St. Germain but then joined Saint Etienne in midseason.

He joined Montpellier in 1991 and remained there until retirement in 1998.

Photo From: Onze-Mondial, Hors Serie 1, 1989

(Thierry Laurey in his only cap, March 8, 1989, World Cup Qualifier, Scotland 2-France 0)


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