Sunday, May 29, 2022

Soccernostalgia Talk Podcast-Episode 72 (Interview with Polish Football Expert Mr. Christopher Lash on Poland National Team during the 1974 World Cup)

 This is the 72nd  episode of my podcast with Mr. Paul Whittle of, @1888letter.

For this episode, we interview Polish Football Expert Mr. Christopher Lash as we discuss the matches of the Poland National Team during the 1974 World Cup.

Mr. Lash is a Polish Writer, Blogger, Podcaster and University Lecturer at Warsaw’s Lazarski University.



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Mr. Lash’s contact info:

Twitter: @rightbankwarsaw




Academic Article:

Creator of: @rbwpredictor



Link to Mr. Paul Whittle’s book (Before the Premier League: A History of the Football League's Last Decades):



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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Soccernostalgia Interview-Part 26 Interview with Romanian Journalist Mr. Catalin Tudose as we discuss Steaua Bucuresti in the Champions Cup, 1985 /86 Season)


For this interview, I look back at past performances of Romanian club Steaua Bucuresti in the Champions Cup 1985/86 season.

The interview is in English and Romanian.

The Interviewee is:

Mr. Catalin Tudose

Twitter: @CatalinTudose5



Mr. Tudose works in the IT field, but he has in the past cooperated with electronic sport publications and even designed and managed ( 


Soccernostalgia Question: When Steaua started the 1985/86 season, they had been eliminated early in the previous season’s Cup Winners Cup vs. AS Roma but had finally won the Romanian Championship for the first time since 1978. What were the expectations going into the Champions Cup?


Soccernostalgia Întrebare: Când Steaua a început sezonul 1985/86, fusese eliminată la începutul sezonului precedent în Cupa Cupelor împotriva AS Roma, dar în cele din urmă câștigase Campionatul României pentru prima dată din 1978. Care au fost așteptările de la participarea ȋn Cupa Campionilor?


Mr. Catalin Tudose Response: Steaua had a very good team and they had worked a lot to create it, after not having won the championship for 7 years. However, they had never passed over the first Champions’ Cup tour before. So, the first expectations were that they do better and pass the first tours, especially as Universitatea Craiova and Dinamo had proved it was possible to succeed in Europe.


Mr. Catalin Tudose Response (in Romanian): Steaua avea o echipă foarte bună și munciseră mult pentru a o construi, după ce nu mai câștigase campionatul de 7 ani. Cu toate acestea, ei nu trecuseră niciodată înainte de primul tur al Cupei Campionilor. Așadar, primele așteptări au fost să se descurce mai bine și să treacă de primele tururi, mai ales că Universitatea Craiova și Dinamo demonstraseră că se poate reuși în Europa.



Soccernostalgia Question: The major transfers in the off-season had been the arrivals of Anton Weissenbacher and Lucian Balan from Baia Mare.

The departures included Augustin Eduard to Arges Pitesti, Stefan Petcu to Bihor Oradea and Marcel Puscas to Rapid Bucharest. How critical was the arrival of Balan in the European matches that season?

Soccernostalgia Întrebare: Transferurile majore în extrasezon fuseseră sosirile lui Anton Weissenbacher și Lucian Bălan de la Baia Mare. Printre plecări au inclus Augustin Eduard la FC Argeş Piteşti, Ştefan Petcu la FC Bihor Oradea şi Marcel Puşcaş la Rapid Bucureşti. Cât de critică a fost sosirea lui Bălan în meciurile europene din acel sezon?


Mr. Catalin Tudose Response: Balan was a good player, not a one to shine, but a very useful one. He integrated well into the team, although he was not among the most important players. Unfortunately, his later life was not successful, culminating with a shocking suicide in 2015.

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response (in Romanian): Bălan a fost un jucător bun, nu unul care să strălucească, dar unul foarte util. S-a integrat bine în echipă, deși nu a fost printre cei mai importanți jucători. Din păcate, nu a avut succes mai târziu ȋn viață, culminând cu o sinucidere șocantă în 2015.


Soccernostalgia Question: The first round was comfortable with Steaua defeating Danish side Vejle BK featuring Allan Simonsen. What do you remember from these matches?

Soccernostalgia Întrebare: Primul tur a fost unul confortabil, Steaua învingând echipa daneză Vejle BK, care ȋl avea pe Allan Simonsen. Ce vă amintiți din aceste meciuri?

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response: I remember mostly the offensive festival in Ghencea, when Steaua won 4-1. After a 1-1 away, in Denmark, the half-time score in Bucharest was 2-1, meaning that Vejle BK could have qualified if they scored a second goal. But Steaua attacked in waves and scored two more in the second half. It seemed that the problem of the qualified team was never in doubt.


Mr. Catalin Tudose Response (in Romanian): Îmi amintesc mai ales festivalul ofensiv de pe Ghencea, când Steaua s-a impus cu 4-1. După un 1-1 în deplasare, în Danemarca, scorul la pauză la București a fost 2-1, adică Vejle BK s-ar fi putut califica dacă ar fi marcat un al doilea gol. Steaua a atacat însă în valuri, iar în repriza secundă a mai înscris două. Problema echipei calificate nu a fost niciodată pusă la îndoială.


Soccernostalgia Question: The second-round tie vs. Hungarian side Honved would have been billed as the battle between two top Eastern bloc clubs and balanced. At this point Lajos Detari was also being billed as one of the top players in Europe. In the end Steaua were much stronger in the second leg. What are your thoughts on Steaua’s performance?

Soccernostalgia Întrebare: Partida din turul doi împotriva echipei maghiare Honved ar fi fost considerată o bătălie echilibrată între două cluburi de top din blocul estic. În acel moment, Lajos Detari era, de asemenea, catalogat drept unul dintre cei mai buni jucători din Europa. În final, Steaua a fost mult mai puternică în manșa secundă. Ce părere aveți despre performanța Stelei?

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response: Steaua proved again to be a very strong and offensive team, especially at home. They were nicknamed “viteziştii”, meaning “the speedy ones”. After having lost 0-1 in Hungary, they managed a new 4-1 at home, after scoring in the first minute and in the first minute of the second half. It was simply a strong football demonstration.

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response (in Romanian): Steaua s-a dovedit din nou a fi o echipă foarte puternică și ofensivă, mai ales acasă. Erau supranumiți „viteziștii”. După ce au pierdut cu 0-1 în Ungaria, au reușit un nou 4-1 acasă, marcând în primul minut și în primul minut al reprizei secunde. A fost pur și simplu o demonstrație de fotbal.

Photo From: Sport, No 11, 1985

(November 6, 1985, Bucharest, Steaua Bucuresti 4-Honved 1)

Soccernostalgia Question: At first glance, Steaua’s quarterfinals opponents Kuusysi Lahti appeared an easy tie. However, Steaua struggled to break down the Lahti defense and in the end after a scoreless tie at home, advanced with a (1-0) win away from home. Did the Finnish side just ‘Park the Bus’?

Soccernostalgia Întrebare: La prima vedere, adversarul Stelei din sferturile de finală, Kuusysi Lahti, a părut o echipă facilă. Steaua s-a chinuit însă să spargă apărarea finlandeză și în final, după un scor alb pe teren propriu, a mers mai departe cu o victorie (1-0) în deplasare. Echipa finlandeză doar a „parcat autocarul ȋn poartă”?

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response: The Finnish side played very defensively in Bucharest, and they were very lucky. The pitch was very difficult, raising problems especially to Steaua, that kept on attacking. As a symbol of how the match was played, I remember one of the Lahti players stopping the ball with his chest on the goal line. It was one of the days when the ball did not want to get in the net…

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response (in Romanian): Formația finlandeză a jucat foarte defensiv la București și a avut mare noroc. Terenul a fost foarte greu, ridicând probleme în special Stelei, care ataca. Ca simbol al modului în care s-a desfăşurat meciul, îmi amintesc că unul dintre jucătorii de la Lahti a oprit mingea cu pieptul pe linia porții. A fost una din zilele în care mingea nu a vrut să intre în plasă...


Soccernostalgia Question: It was at the Semifinals stage that Steaua’s performance took noticing. Their opponents, the strong Belgian side Anderlecht, had just eliminated Bayern Munich and would have been seen as favorites. Anderlecht won (1-0) at home, but Steaua surprised everyone and ran out (3-0) winners. How was this victory viewed at the time?

Soccernostalgia Întrebare: În faza semifinalelor a fost remarcată prestația Stelei. Adversarii lor, puternica trupă belgiană Anderlecht, tocmai îl eliminase pe Bayern Munchen și ar fi fost văzuți ca favoriți. Anderlecht a câștigat (1-0) acasă, dar Steaua a surprins pe toată lumea și a ieșit (3-0) învingătoare. Cum era privită această victorie la acea vreme?

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response: Steaua played at a very high level in the 3-0 victory at home. Many consider this game as the best one ever of a Romanian side in European competitions. Gavril Balint was confessing at some time that they knew they were going to qualify, considering the way they were able to feel each other, find themselves on the pitch and cooperate during the second leg game.

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response (in Romanian): Steaua a jucat la un nivel foarte ridicat în victoria cu 3-0 de acasă. Mulți consideră acest joc ca fiind cel mai bun vreodată al unei echipe românești în competițiile europene. Gavril Balint mărturisea la un moment dat că știau că urmează să se califice, având în vedere felul în care se simţeau, se regăseau pe teren și cooperau în timpul meciului retur.

Photo From: Onze, Issue 125, May 1986

(Tudorel Stoica, April 16, 1986, Champions Cup, Steaua 3-Anderlecht 0)

Soccernostalgia Question: The Final, staged at Sevilla in Spain, was seen as a formality for Barcelona. Were Jenei’s tactics as a result to play defensively and play for the penalty kicks?

Soccernostalgia Întrebare: Finala, organizată la Sevilla, în Spania, a fost văzută ca o formalitate pentru Barcelona. Ca urmare, tactica lui Jenei a fost de a juca defensiv și de a ajunge la loviturile de departajare?

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response: It was obvious that Barcelona was starting with the first chance. They were playing on Spanish soil, they were looking for their first Champions’ Cup. Steaua needed to stop Barcelona’s attacks and either to try to hit on counter-attack or to push the game to the penalties.

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response (in Romanian): Era evident că Barcelona pornea cu prima șansă. Jucau pe teren spaniol, căutau prima lor Cupă a Campionilor. Steaua trebuia să oprească atacurile Barcelonei și fie să încerce să lovească pe contraatac, fie să împingă jocul la penalty-uri.

Photo From: Four Four Two, Issue 147, November 2006

(May 7, 1986, Champions Cup, Steaua 0-Barcelona 0)

Soccernostalgia Question: Can you discuss Anghel Iordanescu’s role as an Assistant and the decision for him to come on as a substitute in the Final?

Soccernostalgia Întrebare: Puteți discuta despre rolul lui Anghel Iordanescu ca antrenor secund și decizia ca acesta să intre ca înlocuitor în finală?

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response: The decision for him to come as a substitute in the Final was a surprise for everybody. He had turned 36 years old a few days before the final, he hadn’t played an official game for some time. However, he avoided to take a penalty in the shoot-out, considering this too risky.

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response (in Romanian): Decizia lui de a intra ca înlocuitor în finală a fost o surpriză pentru toată lumea. El împlinise 36 de ani cu câteva zile înainte, dar nu mai jucase un joc oficial de ceva vreme. El a evitat totuşi să execute un penalty la loviturile de departajare, considerând că acest lucru este prea riscant.


Photo From: Four Four Two, Issue 147, November 2006

(May 7, 1986, Champions Cup, Steaua 0-Barcelona 0)

Soccernostalgia Question: Steaua goalkeeper Helmuth Duckadam became the hero by saving all Barcelona’s four penalty kick attempts. What can you say about his performance and his injury that shortly thereafter sidelined him?

Soccernostalgia Întrebare: Portarul Stelei Helmuth Duckadam a devenit erou prin apărarea celor patru lovituri de pedeapsă ale Barcelonei. Ce poți spune despre performanța sa și despre accidentarea lui care la scurt timp după aceea l-a lăsat departe de fotbal?

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response: This performance remains unique in the history of football. The fact is that he already had some unrevealed health problems. Were these problems discovered before, his presence in the team at Sevilla wouldn’t have been possible.

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response (in Romanian): Această performanță rămâne unică în istoria fotbalului. Cert este că avea deja probleme de sănătate nedepistate. Dacă aceste probleme ar fi fost descoperite înainte, prezența lui în echipa de la Sevilla nu ar fi fost posibilă.

Photo From: Mondial, new series, issue 74, June 1986

(Anghel Iordanescu and Helmuth Duckadam, May 7, 1986, Champions Cup, Steaua 0-Barcelona 0)

Soccernostalgia Question: How did the Press celebrate this victory? Along with Dinamo Kyiv winning the Cup Winners Cup, it had been a good year for Eastern Bloc nations in Europe. Did the Press make connections between the two teams?

Soccernostalgia Întrebare: Cum a sărbătorit presa această victorie? Odată cu câștigarea Cupei Cupelor de la Dinamo Kiev, a fost un an bun pentru țările din blocul de Est din Europa. Presa a făcut legături între cele două echipe?

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response: Surprisingly (or rather not), the newspaper “Sportul” from the next day inserted the news of the victory only on the last page. Usually, the newspaper had 4 pages, but this issue had 8 pages – not because of the big victory, but because of the anniversary of the creation of the Communist Party.

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response (in Romanian): În mod surprinzător (sau mai degrabă nu), ziarul „Sportul” de a doua zi a inserat vestea victoriei doar pe ultima pagină. De obicei, ziarul avea 4 pagini, dar acest număr avea 8 pagini – nu din cauza marii victorii, ci din cauza aniversării înființării Partidului Comunist.

Soccernostalgia Question: Emerich Jenei was soon to be appointed as Romania National Team Manager. How were his tactics and management style important to Steaua’s victory?

Soccernostalgia Întrebare: Emerich Jenei urma să fie numit în curând managerul echipei naționale a României. Cât de importante au fost tactica și stilul lui de conducere pentru victoria Stelei?

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response: Emerich Jenei was known for his graceful behavior and management style. He was able to work with players with personality and keep them involved to target the success. This was not always happening with coaches of that time. Jenei’s predecessor, Florin Halagian, had an important contribution to form the team, but he was tough in behavior and with soldierly management style, so he was replaced at some time.

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response (in Romanian): Emerich Jenei era cunoscut pentru comportamentul său de gentleman și stilul de management. A fost capabil să lucreze cu jucători cu personalitate și să-i țină implicați pentru a se dedica succesului. Acest lucru nu s-a întâmplat întotdeauna cu antrenorii de atunci. Predecesorul lui Jenei, Florin Halagian, a avut o contribuție importantă la formarea echipei, dar era dur ȋn comportament și avea un stil de conducere cazon, așa că a fost înlocuit la un moment dat.



Photo From: Four Four Two, Issue 147, November 2006

(Emerich Jenei)

Soccernostalgia Question: In closing, do you feel this victory paved the way for the National Team’s future successes for the Generation of the 90s? 

Soccernostalgia Întrebare: În încheiere, credeți că această victorie a deschis calea pentru succesele viitoare ale echipei naționale din generația anilor 90?


Mr. Catalin Tudose Response: This victory, as also the successes from Universitatea Craiova and Dinamo, was integral part of the successful road of the Romanian football in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Many of the players of that team had successful careers in the National Team, including qualifications and participations in the World Cup.

Mr. Catalin Tudose Response (in Romanian): Această victorie, ca și succesele Universității Craiova și Dinamo, au făcut parte integrantă din drumul de glorie al fotbalului românesc din anii ’80 și ’90. Mulți dintre jucătorii acelei echipe au avut cariere de succes în echipa națională, inclusiv calificări și participări la Campionatul Mondială.


Photo From: Sport, No 5, 1986

(May 7, 1986, Champions Cup, Steaua 0-Barcelona 0)

Photo From: Sport, No 5, 1986

(May 7, 1986, Champions Cup, Steaua 0-Barcelona 0)

Photo From: Sport, No 6, 1986

(Steaua Bucuresti 1985/86)

Compendium to The Soccernostalgia Interview-Part 26-Matches of Steaua Bucuresti in the Champions Cup, 1985/86 season.


Steaua Bucuresti Matches during the Champions Cup, 1985/86 Season:



September 18, 1985, Vejle, Vejle BK 1- Steaua Bucuresti 1 (Julian Barnett 61 / Marin Radu II 89)

October 2, 1985, Bucharest, Steaua Bucuresti 4- Vejle BK 1 (Victor Piturca 8, Ladislau Bölöni 34, Gavril Balint 51, Tudorel Stoica 74 / Allan Simonsen 37)

October 23, 1985, Budapest, Honved 1- Steaua Bucuresti 0 (Lajos Détári 33)

November 6, 1985, Bucharest, Steaua Bucuresti 4-Honved 1 (Victor Piturca 1, Marius Lacatus 35, Ilie Barbulescu 46, Mihail Majearu 52pen / Lajos Détári 64pen)

March 5, 1986, Bucharest, Steaua Bucuresti 0- Kuusysi Lahti 0 (-)

March 19, 1986, Lahti, Kuusysi Lahti 0- Steaua Bucuresti 1 (Victor Piturca 86)

April 2, 1986, Brussels, Anderlecht 1- Steaua Bucuresti 0 (Enzo Scifo 78)

April 16, 1986, Bucharest, Steaua Bucuresti 3- Anderlecht 0 (Victor Piturca 4, 71, Gavril Balint 23)

May 7, 1986, Sevilla, Spain, Steaua Bucharest 0-Barcelona 0 (-) (Steaua won 2-0 on penalty kick shoot-out)




Date: September 18, 1985

Competition: Champions Cup-First Round, First Leg

Result: Vejle BK (Boldklub) (Denmark) 0- Clubul Sportiv al Armatei Steaua- Bucuresti (Romania) 1

Venue: Vejle-Vejle Stadion

Attendance: 10,000

Referee: Werner Föckler (West Germany)

Kick-off time: -


(Vejle BK): Julian Barnett 61

(Steaua):  Marin Radu II 89


Vejle BK:

Alex Nielsen – John Sivebæk, John Laursen, Knud Sorensen, Brian Bertelsen, Ole Möller-Nielsen (Jørgen Andersen 85), Peter Hansen, Kurt Barkholt (Henrik-Ravn Jensen 72), Gert Eg, Julian Barnett, Allan Simonsen


Coach: Poul Erik Bech


Team Captain: Allan Simonsen

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: -

Shirt Sponsor: -

Uniform Colors: Red Shirts, White Shorts, Red Socks




Helmuth Duckadam – Stefan Iovan, Adrian Bumbescu, Miodrag Belodedici, Ilie Barbulescu – Gavril Balint, Tudorel Stoica, Ladislau Boloni, Mihail Majearu (Marin Radu 72) – Marius Lacatus, Victor Piturca


Coach: Emerich Jenei

Booked: Adrian Bumbescu 16


Team Captain: Tudorel Stoica

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor: None

Uniform Colors: Dark Blue Shirts, Dark Blue Shorts, Dark Blue Socks

Date: October 2, 1985

Competition: Champions Cup-First Round, Second Leg

Result: Clubul Sportiv al Armatei Steaua- Bucuresti (Romania) 4-Vejle BK (Boldklub) (Denmark) 1

Venue: Bucharest- Stadionul Steaua-Ghencea

Attendance: 30,000

Referee: Rosario Lo Bello (Italy)

Kick-off time: -


(Steaua):  Victor Piturca 8, Ladislau Bölöni 34, Gavril Balint 51, Tudorel Stoica 74

(Vejle BK): Allan Simonsen 37



Helmuth Duckadam – Stefan Iovan, Adrian Bumbescu, Miodrag Belodedici, Ilie Barbulescu – Gavril Balint, Tudorel Stoica, Ladislau Boloni, Mihail Majearu (Lucian Balan 71) – Marius Lacatus (Marin Radu 80), Victor Piturca


Coach: Emerich Jenei

Booked: Ladislau Boloni 35


Team Captain: Tudorel Stoica

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor: None

Uniform Colors: Light Blue Blue Shirts, Dark Blue Shorts, Dark Blue Socks



Vejle BK:

Alex Nielsen – John Sivebæk, John Laursen, Knud Sorensen, Brian Bertelsen (Henrik-Ravn Jensen 65), Ole Möller-Nielsen (Jørgen Andersen 76), Peter Hansen, Kurt Barkholt, Gert Eg, Julian Barnett, Allan Simonsen


Coach: Poul Erik Bech

Booked: Peter Hansen 8, John Laursen 46


Team Captain: Allan Simonsen

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: -

Shirt Sponsor: -

Uniform Colors: Red Shirts, White Shorts, Red Socks

Photo From: Sport, No 10, 1985

(October 2, 1985, Bucharest, Steaua Bucuresti 4- Vejle BK 1)

Date: October 23, 1985

Competition: Champions Cup-Second Round, First Leg

Result: Budapesti Honvéd Sport Egyesület (Hungary) 1- Clubul Sportiv al Armatei Steaua- Bucuresti (Romania) 0

Venue: Budapest

Attendance: 10,000

Referee: Ronald Bridges (Wales)

Kick-off time: -


(Honved): Lajos Détári 33

(Steaua):  None



Jozsef Andrusch, Attila Dozsa, Jozsef Fitos, Sandor Sallai (György Kerepeczki 70), Laszlo Gyimesi, Andras Cseh, Gabor Sikesdi, Lajos Detari, Bela Bodonyi (Istvan Laszlo 86), Laszlo Dajka, Kalman Kovacs

Coach: Imre Komora


Team Captain: -

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: -

Shirt Sponsor: -

Uniform Colors: White Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks




Helmuth Duckadam – Stefan Iovan, Adrian Bumbescu, Miodrag Belodedici, Ilie Barbulescu – Tudorel Stoica, Gavril Balint, Ladislau Boloni, Mihail Majearu – Marius Lacatus (Marin Radu 64), Victor Piturca.


Coach: Emerich Jenei

Booked: Marius Lacatus 7


Team Captain: Tudorel Stoica

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor: None

Uniform Colors: Red Shirts, Dark Blue Shorts, Red Socks


Date: November 6, 1985

Competition: Champions Cup-Second Round, Second Leg

Result: Clubul Sportiv al Armatei Steaua- Bucuresti (Romania) 4-Budapesti Honvéd Sport Egyesület (Hungary) 1

Venue: Bucharest- Stadionul Steaua-Ghencea

Attendance: 25,000

Referee: Horst Brummeier (Austria)

Kick-off time: -


(Steaua): Victor Piturca 1, Marius Lacatus 35, Ilie Barbulescu 46, Mihail Majearu 52pen

(Honved): Lajos Détári 64pen



Helmuth Duckadam – Stefan Iovan, Adrian Bumbescu, Miodrag Belodedici, Ilie Barbulescu – Gavril Balint, Mihail Majearu (Marin Radu 88), Tudorel Stoica (Lucian Balan 88), Ladislau Boloni – Marius Lacatus, Victor Piturca


Coach: Emerich Jenei

Booked: Marius Lacatus 25, Tudorel Stoica 31


Team Captain: Tudorel Stoica

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor: None

Uniform Colors: Red Shirts, Dark Blue Shorts, Red Socks




Jozsef Andrusch, Imre Garaba, Sandor Sallai (György Kerepeczki 57), Attila Dozsa, (Laszlo Gyimesi 37), Jozsef Fitos, Andras Cseh, Lajos Detari, Gabor Sikesdi, Laszlo Dajka, Kalman Kovacs, Bela Bodonyi


Coach: Imre Komora

Booked: Sandor Sallai 13, Kalman Kovacs 28, Andras Cseh 68


Team Captain: -

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: -

Shirt Sponsor: -

Uniform Colors: White Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks

Photo From: Sport, No 11, 1985

(November 6, 1985, Bucharest, Steaua Bucuresti 4-Honved 1)

Date: March 5, 1986

Competition: Champions Cup-Quarterfinals, First Leg

Result: Clubul Sportiv al Armatei Steaua- Bucuresti (Romania) 0- Kuusysi Lahti (Finland) 0

Venue: Bucharest- Stadionul Steaua-Ghencea

Attendance: 30,000

Referee: Charles Corver (Holland)

Kick-off time: -


(Steaua): None

(Kuusysi Lahti): None



Helmuth Duckadam – Stefan Iovan, Adrian Bumbescu, Miodrag Belodedici, Ilie Barbulescu – Tudorel Stoica, Lucian Balan, Ladislau Boloni, Mihail Majearu (Marin Radu 78) – Gavril Balint, Victor Piturca.


Coach: Emerich Jenei

Booked: Mihail Majearu 69


Team Captain: Tudorel Stoica

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor: None

Uniform Colors: Red Shirts, Dark Blue Shorts, Red Socks


Kuusysi Lahti:

Ismo Korhonen, Jyrki Hännikäinen, Petri Tiainen (Seppo Nordman 58), Ilkka Remes, Esa Pekonen, Hannu Jäntti, Juha Annunen, Jari Rinne, Jarmo Kaivonurmi (Jyri Puhakainen 79), Jari Hudd, Michael Carroll


Coach: Keijo Voutilainen

Booked: Hannu Jäntti 5, Michael Carroll 75


Team Captain: -

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: -

Shirt Sponsor: -

Uniform Colors: White Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks


Photo From: Sportul, March 6, 1986

(March 5, 1986, Bucharest, Steaua Bucuresti 0- Kuusysi Lahti 0)

Photo From: Sportul, March 7, 1986

(March 5, 1986, Bucharest, Steaua Bucuresti 0- Kuusysi Lahti 0)

Date: March 19, 1986

Competition: Champions Cup-Quarterfinals, Second Leg

Result: Kuusysi Lahti (Finland) 0-Clubul Sportiv al Armatei Steaua- Bucuresti (Romania) 1

Venue:  Helsinki, Olympiastadion

Attendance: 32,522

Referee: Vojtech Christov (Czechoslovakia)

Kick-off time: -


(Kuusysi Lahti): None

(Steaua): Victor Piturca 87


Kuusysi Lahti:

Ismo Korhonen, Jyrki Hännikäinen, Esa Pekonen, Ilkka Remes, Jari Hudd, Jarmo Kaivonurmi (Jyrki Puhakainen 79), Jari Rinne, Petri Tiainen, Juha Annunen, Michael Carroll, Seppo Nordman


Coach: Keijo Voutilainen


Team Captain: -

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: -

Shirt Sponsor: -

Uniform Colors: White Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks



Helmuth Duckadam – Stefan Iovan, Adrian Bumbescu, Miodrag Belodedici, Ilie Barbulescu – Gavril Balint, Tudorel Stoica, Ladislau Boloni, Mihail Majearu (Lucian Balan 57) – Marius Lacatus, Victor Piturca (Marin Radu 89)


Coach: Emerich Jenei


Team Captain: Tudorel Stoica

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor: None

Uniform Colors: Red Shirts, Dark Blue Shorts, Red Socks

Photo From: Sport, No 3, 1986

(March 19, 1986, Lahti, Kuusysi Lahti 0- Steaua Bucuresti 1)

Date: April 2, 1986

Competition: Champions Cup-Semifinals, First Leg

Result: Royal Sporting Club Anderlecht (Belgium) 1-Clubul Sportiv al Armatei Steaua- Bucuresti (Romania) 0

Venue:  Brussels, Émile Versé Stadium

Attendance: 32,000

Referee: Adolf Prokop (East Germany)

Kick-off time: -


(Anderlecht): Enzo Scifo 78

(Steaua): None



Dirk Vekeman – Stephane Demol, Luka Peruzovic (Yugoslavia), Morten Olsen (Denmark), Henrik Andersen (Denmark)– Per Frimann (Denmark), Rene Vandereycken, Enzo Scifo, Frank Vercauteren (Georges Grun 38) –Juan Lozano, Erwin Van den Bergh (Arnor Gudjohnson (Iceland) 86)


Coach: Arie Haan (Holland)


Team Captain: Frank Vercauteren

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor: Generale Banque

Uniform Colors: White Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks



Helmuth Duckadam – Stefan Iovan, Adrian Bumbescu, Miodrag Belodedici, Ilie Barbulescu – Gavril Balint (Constantin Pistol 81), Tudorel Stoica, Ladislau Boloni, Mihail Majearu (Lucian Balan 77) – Marius Lacatus, Victor Piturca


Coach: Emerich Jenei

Booked: Tudorel Stoica 74


Team Captain: Tudorel Stoica

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor: None

Uniform Colors: Red Shirts, Dark Blue Shorts, Red Socks


Date: April 16, 1986

Competition: Champions Cup-Semifinals, Second Leg

Result: Clubul Sportiv al Armatei Steaua- Bucuresti (Romania) 3-Royal Sporting Club Anderlecht (Belgium) 0

Venue:  Bucharest- Stadionul Steaua-Ghencea

Attendance: 30,000

Referee: Volker Roth (West Germany)

Kick-off time: -


(Steaua): Victor Piturca 4, 71, Gavril Balint 23

(Anderlecht): None



Helmuth Duckadam – Stefan Iovan, Adrian Bumbescu, Miodrag Belodedici, Ilie Barbulescu (Anton Weissenbacher 89) – Lucian Balan, Tudorel Stoica, Ladislau Boloni, Gavril Balint (Marin Radu 87) – Marius Lacatus, Victor Piturca


Coach: Emerich Jenei

Booked: Tudorel Stoica 5, Lucian Balan 75


Team Captain: Tudorel Stoica

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor: None

Uniform Colors: Red Shirts, Dark Blue Shorts, Red Socks




Dirk Vekeman, Georges Grun, Luka Peruzovic (Yugoslavia) (Stephane Demol 74), Morten Olsen (Denmark), Henrik Andersen (Denmark)– Per Frimann (Denmark), Rene Vandereycken, Enzo Scifo, Frank Vercauteren, Juan Lozano (Arnor Gudjohnson (Iceland) 74), Erwin Van den Bergh


Coach: Arie Haan (Holland)

Booked: Henrik Andersen 12, Frank Vercauteren 12


Team Captain: Frank Vercauteren

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor: Generale Banque

Uniform Colors: White Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks

Photo From: Sport, No 4, 1986

(April 16, 1986, Bucharest, Steaua Bucuresti 3- Anderlecht 0)

Photo From: Sport, No 4, 1986

(April 16, 1986, Bucharest, Steaua Bucuresti 3- Anderlecht 0)

Photo From: Sport, No 4, 1986

(April 16, 1986, Bucharest, Steaua Bucuresti 3- Anderlecht 0)

Photo From: Onze, Issue 125, May 1986

(April 16, 1986, Champions Cup, Steaua 3-Anderlecht 0)

Date: May 7, 1986

Competition: Champions Cup-Final

Result: Clubul Sportiv al Armatei Steaua- Bucuresti (Romania) 3-Fútbol Club Barcelona (Spain) 0 (Steaua won 2-0 on penalty kick shoot-out)

Venue:  Sevilla- Estadio Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan, Spain

Attendance: 70,000

Referee: Michel Vautrot (France)

Linesmen: Alain Delmer, M. Girard (both France)

Kick-off time: -


(Steaua): None

(Barcelona): None

Penalty kick sequence:

Steaua: 0-0 Mihail Majearu (saved), 0-0 Ladislau Bölöni (saved), 1-0 Marius Lacatus, 2-0 Gavril Balint

Barcelona: 0-0 José Ramon Alesanco (saved), 0-0 Angel Pedraza (saved) 0-0, 1-0 Angel ‘Pichi’ Alonso (saved), 2-0 Marcos Alonso Peńa (saved)



1-Helmuth Ducadam; 6-Miodrag Belodedici, 2-Stefan Iovan, 4-Adrian Bumbescu, 3-Ilie Barbulescu, 8-Mihail Majearu, 5-Lucian Balan (13-Anghel Iordanescu 73), 11-Ladislau Bölöni, 10-Gavril Balint, 7-Marius Lacatus, 9-Victor Piturca (16-Marin Radu 112)


Coach: Emerich Jenei

Booked: Adrian Bumbescu 21, Marius Lacatus 25, Ladislau Bölöni 33, Ilie Barbulescu, 107


Team Captain: Stefan Iovan

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Adidas

Shirt Sponsor: None

Uniform Colors: White Shirts, White Shorts, White Socks




1-Francisco Javier Urruticoechea ‘Urruti’; 2-Gerardo Miranda, 3-Miguel Bianquetti ‘Migueli’, 6-José Ramon Alesanco, 4-Julio Alberto Moreno, 5-Victor Muńoz, 8-Bernd Schuster (West Germany) (14-José Moratalla 85), 7-Francisco José Carrasco, 9-Angel Pedraza, 10-Steven Archibald (Scotland) (16-Angel ‘Pichi’Alonso 106), 11-Marcos Alonso Peńa


Coach: Terry Venables (England)

Booked: Carrasco 21, Julio Alberto 23


Team Captain: José Ramon Alesanco

Official Kit Supplier/Designer: Meyba

Shirt Sponsor: None

Uniform Colors: Light blue (blue/Purple Vertical stripe on the right side)  Shirts, Dark Blue Shorts, Dark Blue Socks

Photo From: Onze, Issue 126, June 1986

(May 7, 1986, Champions Cup, Steaua 0-Barcelona 0)

Photo From: Onze, Issue 126, June 1986

(May 7, 1986, Champions Cup, Steaua 0-Barcelona 0)

Photo From: Four Four Two, Issue 147, November 2006

(Anghel Iordanescu and Helmuth Duckadam, May 7, 1986, Champions Cup, Steaua 0-Barcelona 0)

Photo From: Onze, Issue 126, June 1986

(Steaua squad, May 7, 1986, Champions Cup, Steaua 0-Barcelona 0)

Photo From: Four Four Two, Issue 147, November 2006

(Barcelona squad, May 7, 1986, Champions Cup, Steaua 0-Barcelona 0)